ESL Releases New Dota 2 and CS:GO World Rankings
| Tags: CS2, Dota 2
| Author Zlosterr

In case you did not know, ESL released their special CS: GO ranking around one year ago. Seeing how successful it was, they decided to do the same for Dota 2, bringing us the ESL Dota 2 World Ranking.
The Rankings
ESL clearly stated in their official announcement that this ranking is not intended to be perfect. However, “as a tournament organizer dating back to CS 1.6 and Dota Classic days, we feel like we can contribute and improve the discussion with a very transparent and data-driven approach”
The main data that will be used to build this ranking system is going to be through tournaments. In other words, “every relevant tournament on the planet” will be included in this ranking.
Each event will have different grades depending on various factors such as size and the quality of the teams. Of course, big events such as TI will give even an extra percentage because of its significant status.
The point distribution will be split between the players, which means that each of them holds 20%. The points also “decay” with the passing of time. For the first six weeks after an event, points keep 100% of their value. After that, they lose 5% of their value every week until reaching 0% after 25 weeks.
ESL One Hamburg 2019 is set to start very soon. Even though it’s not included in the DPC calendar, it still remains a very exciting tournament to watch. After all, some of the best teams in the world will be going head to head for a sweet $300k USD prize pool.
To make things even more interesting, the organizers will also host a Dota Underlords tournament. So, if you happen to be at the event, be sure to check it out. Apart from the trophy, you will also play for a $5K USD prize.