Dota 2: Sylar Leaves Elephant.4AM Days After Joining
| Tags: Dota 2
| Author Zlosterr

Just a few days after it was announced, Liu “Sylar” Jiajun is no longer a part of Elephant.4AM.
Elephant.4AM is the newest Chinese Dota 2 team that will try to become the leading force in the region. After weeks of rumors about their future roster, the team finally revealed their full lineup. One of the star players in it was Sylar, who is widely regarded as one of the best carry players in China.
However, it seems like this stay was short-lived because he is no longer a part of the team. According to some Reddit posts, neither of the other four Elephant.4AM members knew about Sylar’s arrival. Supposedly, Zhang “Paparzi” Chengjun was the one who should have joined the team.
Nonetheless, the player signed a new contract with Vici Gaming just days before that. As a result, he was unable to make the transfer, so Elephant.4AM acquired Sylar instead. It seems like Sylar is not the player the team needed, which is why they decided to remove him from the team just days after he joined.
Now, we have to wait and see what will happen. According to some news outlets, Paparazi will join the new team, although the organization will have to pay around $260K for the player.