Dota 2: OG Takes Action Against Ceb After Outburst, Will Donate To Charity
| Tags: Dota 2
| Author Zlosterr

Dota 2 team OG takes action against Sébastien “7ckngMad” Debs, also known as Ceb.
What Happened
Just a couple of weeks ago, Ceb, one of the star players of the current TI champion OG, had quite the outburst out in a competitive game. His actions had a wide effect on the professional scene. In fact, some players such as Solo even threatened not to participate in EPICENTER if Valve doesn’t take action.
OG’s Response
Today, OG came out with a long post on their official Facebook page explaining the situation and how they decided to handle it:
“As soon as the situation arose, we exchanged with Sébastien who straight away stated that he wanted to take responsibilities for what he did and that he would comply with any sanction that we deem fair. In the end, our decision is the following: Seb will give up all the gains he might earn at the Epicenter Major to a charity of his choice that will be made public. In addition to that, we fined him the equivalent of his monthly salary. He also guarantees that such situation shall never occur again on pain of a stronger punishment.”
At first glance, the punishment might seem like a little bit harsh. After all, let’s not forget that MinD_ContRoL did something similar, but his financial punishment was not as high. However, at the end of the day, OG’s action should finally put an end to this controversy. Hopefully, we won’t be seeing any more outbursts like this from professional players in the future.
Lastly, in order to make the situation better, OG is also attempting to organize a show match at the EPICENTER Major as a sign of goodwill towards players and fans alike. If this were to come to fruition, it would definitely be something that fans could enjoy.