Dota 2: Nikobaby & Fata to Form New Team

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Dota 2: Nikobaby & Fata to Form New Team

The last couple of days in Dota 2 have been absolutely crazy. There have been tons of roster changes happening every single day. That said, Adrian “Fata” Trinks just announced the new roster of his team which includes Nikolay “Nikobaby” Nikolov, Simon “Handsken” Haag, Neta “33” Shapir, and Linus “Limmp” Blomdin.

PPD’s NiP is no more

We don’t even have information about the name of this team yet. However, one thing is for sure – Ninjas in Pyjamas will cease to exist, at least with their TI 9 lineup. This was expected, especially after the poor performance from Peter “ppd” Dager and his team-mates.

Many people even considered them to be among the hidden favorites. Unfortunately, they could not live up to the expectations. After a gruesome group stage, the team finished last and was the first one to book their tickets home.

New Team

As we see, the newly formed squad has some pretty strong players. Apart from Fata, Nikobaby definitely stands out. He played phenomenally at TI 9, considering the fact that this was his first-ever big LAN event. In fact, the entire Mineski lineup played very well, but despite that, they got eliminated by Team Secret. Shortly after TI 9 concluded, all Mineski players (including their coach) decided to part ways and for their luck elsewhere.

iLimmp and Handsken used to play together a couple of years ago for compLexity Gaming. nIn fact, dLimmp remained in their roster until the organization decided to give up on it after their unsuccessful attempt to win the qualifiers for TI 9. Apart from them, 33 and Fata also have a lot in common because they were playing for NiP until now.

We will keep you updated once there is more info about the new team. We can’t wait to see them in action!

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Dota 2: Nikobaby & Fata to Form New Team
Zlosterr has been a fan of esports for many years and mainly focuses on Dota 2. He has more than five years of experience writing Dota 2 content for numerous platforms. Besides being a passionate fan of the game, he's also played for various amateur teams.