Natus Vincere Reveals New Dota 2 Roster

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Natus Vincere Reveals New Dota 2 Roster

Here is what’s new with the roster of one of the biggest Dota 2 teams in the world.

Natus`Vincere are one of the most loved Dota 2 teams out there. Many of the old-school players probably remember the days when this was the best team in the world. Even though that’s definitely not the case today Na`Vi s trying to find the formula to success for some time now.

However, after their poor performances recently, the team decided to leave the Beyond Epic tournament. The idea behind this was to resolve their issues so that they can come back stronger.

So, what happened?

Now, nearly two weeks later, the Ukrainian organization decided to part ways with two of their players. Idan “MagicaL” Vardanian and Vitaliy “SO bad” Oshmankevich, who were both part of the team for some time now. Nevertheless, Na`Vi really needed some sort of change in order to improve their performance, which is why these two players won’t be a part of the organization anymore.

Instead, TI1 champions decided to acquire two young CIS talents. The first of them is Nikita “Young G” Bochko, who will take over the mid lane. Despite being young, this player already has a lot of experience in the pro scene. In fact, he most recently played for Winstrike, which is another promising CIS squad. Young G will replace MagicaL, who was a part of the Ukrainian organization for nearly two years. During that time, he took part in various events, including TI 9.

Na`Vi's coach Andrey “Mag” Chipenko said that the organization needed a lot of time until they found the right players. According to him, Youn G is “a strong performer who wants to become the best player in second place. Nikita has enormous potential, which we will try to reveal in the team”.

In addition to him, the second player who joined Na`Vi’s lineup is Alexander “Immersion” Hmelevskoy. The ex-Gambit player will take the role of so bad as a position four support.

As you might remember, Immersion used to be a vital part of Gambit last year. However, due to several conflicts, he was inactive and didn’t really play for the team. In fact, his most recent performance was with Team Spirit. There, he took part in several events. “Immersion is a true professional with a huge pool of heroes and an excellent understanding of the game as a whole”, said Mag.

Here is the Natus`Vincere roster right now:

  • Vladislav “Crystalize” Kristanek
  • Nikita “Young G” Bochko
  • Pavel “9pasha” Khvastunov
  • Alexander “Immersion” Khmelevskaya
  • Ilyas “Illias” Ganeev
Natus Vincere Reveals New Dota 2 Roster
Zlosterr has been a fan of esports for many years and mainly focuses on Dota 2. He has more than five years of experience writing Dota 2 content for numerous platforms. Besides being a passionate fan of the game, he's also played for various amateur teams.