Dota 2: Immortal Treasure II and The Wrath of Mo’Rokai are Live
| Tags: Dota 2
| Author Zlosterr
Valve has released Immortal Treasure 2 and the Wrath of Mo'Rokai.
Today, Valve has decided to release the second Immortal Treasure, as well as the new event, Wrath of Mo'Rokai for every player that owns the Dota 2 Battle Pass. In addition to that, every Battle Pass owner has been granted 10 bonus levels since the TI9 Prize Pool surpassed last year's total.
Which heroes get an immortal item?
Eight heroes in total have received a new Immortal item. Check the video above in order to see all items and their effects.
My personal favorite is definitely Ember’s, but then again, I might be a little bit bias because he is one of my favorite heroes. All in all, the people who created those immortals definitely stepped up their game.
The Wrath of Mo’Rokai
“Deep in the jungles of Fellstrath, the ruins of an ancient civilization lie hidden…” In the newest mode, players can gather essence from slaying enemies and other caches around the map.
Having said that, the idea here is to work together with your Mo’rokai in order to destroy the enemy Ancient. If players succeed in doing so, they will earn 250 Battle Points per win up to a 2,000 weekly cap. What’s more, each week there will be a chance to win a 1,000 point Battle Point bonus. On top of that, player's weekly point total and the number of bonus games will increase as they raise alongside the player's Battle Level.
Finally, all of the Battle Pass features will be active while players are engaged in the event.
Expect more info about it soon. In the meantime, make sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter for the latest esports news.
Image VIA: Wykrhm