Dota 2: How To Gain MMR With Luna?
| Tags: Dota 2
| Author Zlosterr

Luna is among the strongest carries in the game, as long as you know how to utilize her full potential.
Gaining MMR is a problem that many people have to overcome sooner or later. Unless you are one of the few players that managed to reach the highest MMR brackets easily, you probably had or will have problems, especially once you start meeting playings who ruin your games.
Players use many tips and tricks to increase their Dota 2 MMR, but in this article, we will focus on playing a specific character – Luna. Despite the fact that she is not always in the meta, Luna is one of the strongest carriers. Hence, she can make a drastic impact on your MMR once you start using the hero’s full potential.
With that being said, let’s look at a few things you can do if you decide to gain MMR in Dota 2 using Luna.
Fast Farm
Luna is a great carry for most PUB games because she farms really fast.
The first thing that makes Luna an excellent option for most Dota 2 players is the fact she farms really fast. This allows her to purchase some of her core items faster than other heroes in the game. However, taking advantage of her farming speed is not as easy as it might seem, even for experienced players.
Besides last-hitting creeps during the laning stage, the hero has to clear the jungle camps as fast as possible. Thanks to Moon Glaives, she can kill the entire camp in less than a couple of seconds. Consequently, it is advisable to ask some of the support heroes on your team to stack camps.
Lifesteal/Manastyle = Push
Once you purchase lifesteal and/or Manta Style, it is time to try and push the T1 towers.
Apart from being a right-clicking monster, Luna is among the heroes that can easily push the enemy’s base within seconds. Thanks to Moon Glaives and her overall high base damage, she is an excellent pusher, especially when combined with heroes.
Apart from being a right-clicking monster, Luna is among the heroes that can easily push the enemy’s base within seconds. Thanks to Moon Glaives and her overall high base damage, she is an excellent pusher, especially when combined with heroes.
Every Dota 2 game is different, so there isn’t any right or wrong moment to push the enemy’s tower. However, once you get some lifestealing item or Manta Style (which is a must on the hero), you should be able to quickly destroy the T1s.
Know when to team fight
Avoid taking big team fights unless you are confident you will win or you have a Black King Bar.
Knowing when to participate in team fights is something that will help you gain MMR in Dota 2 with Luna. Although it might be tempting to use your TP scroll once you hit level 6, it is not always the best idea because you will lose a lot of farm. To make matters worse, you can die, which will drastically impact your item’s timings. Remember that Luna is one of the heroes who has to be ahead in the game to be effective.
Unless you are confident that you can win the team fight, it is not good to participate until you purchase a Black King Bar. This item might not provide a lot of stats, but the fact you are not as vulnerable to spells makes you way more dangerous, especially while using your ultimate.
Even though BKB is usually a must, it is not recommended to purchase it as your first item. Sadly, it won’t increase your farming speed, nor will it give you a lot of damage. As a result, you will slow down your item progress.
Stick with your team in the late game
Once the late game arrives, don’t go alone because one kill could cause you the victory.
Perhaps the most common mistake that does not allow some people to “break” the 3K-4K MMR barrier is dying for no reason during the late game. This might not have serious consequences if you are a support, but core heroes need to be extra careful. Once you are dead, you may have to wait for up to two minutes. Needless to say, this is more than enough for the enemy team to win the game.
Buyback money
The last tip that we’d like to point out applies to every carry. Once the late game arrives, try to save some gold so you can buyback when you are dead. This might not seem important to inexperienced players, but it can be the difference between winning or losing.