Dota 2 China Tour 3 Division I Overview – Week 3
| Tags: Dota 2
| Author Zlosterr

Even though this used to be one of the most predictable regions in Dota 2, this is no longer the case. Here's our recap of the Dota 2 China Tour 3.
We are confident that no one expected PSG.LGD to be last in Division I after two weeks and three matches. It seems like there is some problem with the team because Wang “Ame” Chunyu and the rest are not as good as before.
Even though this news is not suitable for LGD, it is fantastic for every other team in the region, RNGU, Aster, Vici and Xtreme Gaming are taking full advantage of the situation and gaining as much lead as possible.
Speaking of leads, let’s take a look at some results in the most interesting series in Division I.
EHOME vs Xtreme Gaming
The first series put together two teams with equal chances of gaining one of the slots for the upcoming Major. EHOME and Xtreme had one win and one loss before this match, so it was intriguing to see which of them would come on top.
Although most of the Chinese Dota 2 fans were in favor of EHOME, Zhang “Paparazi灬” Chengjun and the rest had no problems in both games. Speaking of both games, EHOME got a slight advantage in the first one because their draft was better for the early game.
Things were going well for EHOME, but once Paparazi got a few kills, Xtreme Gaming bounced back in this series. The Chinese powerhouse started using their snowball combo and pressured EHOME, but Guo “shiro” Xuan'ang’s Nature Prophet kept his team in the game.
Sadly, it was just a matter of time before EHOME lost because Xtreme Gaming was just too strong and death too much damage.
Game 2
Despite getting their hands on TA and Dawn, and having a comfortable lead in terms of kill, EHOME was unable to defeat its opponents in the second game of the series. The team used their early and mid-game power as much as possible and secured a couple of towers and kills. However, a messy team fight that took place 17 minutes after the start of the game turned things around.
Suddenly, Xtreme Gaming was in the driving seat and started pressuring their opponents. The team secured the Aegis and won a couple of fights after that. This was enough for Xtreme to win the second map and the series.
PSG.LGD vs Aries
The second series should’ve been that interesting on paper because of PSG.LGD is the big favorite. However, after the team’s disappointing results in the last matches, many people were interested to see whether Aries can win. Sadly, Wang “Ulu” Jiakai and the rest could not defeat their powerful counterpart.
Game oen was a lot more exciting because Aries had a good start. The team’s roster looked good on paper, but it had to go up against LGD’s Alchemist. Needless to say, the Chinese powerhouse knows how to utilize this hero to his full potential.
Following the laning stage, Alch and the rest slowly started taking over the game. Their opponents had no way of killing the overfarmed hero and lost the game.
Game 2
After Ame and the rest won the first map, the team played even better on the second map. Aries picked Alchemist for their team so that they could prevent their opponents from using him. However, instead of putting him in the mid-lane, the team used him in the support role.
The laning stage was not good for Aries, which was welcomed by LGD’s cores. The latter slowly became way too powerful for their opponents. Aries tried to hold their opponents for as long as possible, but their CK had no way of bouncing back in the game. After 18 minutes of play, LGD won the second map and the series.
Vici Gaming vs Royal Never Give Up
The last interesting series of the week put together Vici Gaming and Royal Never Give Up. These two teams are two of the main contestants that will try to earn a slot for the PGL Arlington Major 2022. Hence, both teams wanted to win.
Even though most people expected Vici Gaming to take this, RNGU showed their prowess and did not allow their enemies to snatch the victory. The first game between the two was completely one-sided, even during the laning stage. Royal Never Give Up had the better draft and used its core heroes to their full potential.
Once Ursa and Ember Spirit started snowballing out of control, Vici Gaming couldn’t do anything to prevent them from winning. Yang “poyoyo” Shaohan and the rest relied on their Phantom Assassin, but the hero did not have enough space to get the items she needed.
Game 2
Following Royal Never Give Up’s dominant victory in game one, the second map between the two powerhouses was more interesting. Instead of relying on PA, Vici got Spectre and Razor, two heroes that allow them to secure the mid and late game.
Royal Never Give Up also had an exciting draft because the team got Zeus and Bloodseeker. This is one of the oldest and most effective combos in PUBs, so we weren’t surprised that Lu “Somnus丶M” Yao pulled it off.
This game was not as easy as the previous one, but in the end, RNGU won the match and secured a significant victory. Following their success, RNGU occupies first place in Division I and will most likely get one of the slots for the Major.
Aster won two matches this week
Team Aster is the last team we’d like to focus on in this article because they’ve won two matches this week. The first one was against DEC; as expected, the team did not have any problems.
With that being said, the second match for Team Aster was vs EHOME, and it turned out to be a pretty cool series. The first game was more than 40 minutes long, but in the end, Aster won.
Following the loss, EHOME tried using their infamous Medusa to win the second match. However, even this hero was unable to help the team win because Aster was better. The decisive fight in the game took place 32 minutes after the start. Despite wasting their buyback on Void Spirit, EHOME could not kill Aster. Following the fight, the Chinese squad took the rax and won the match.