Dota 2 2022 Dream Team – The top 5 Players in Each Position
| Tags: Dota 2
| Author Zlosterr

The information regarding the new DPC is available, and by the looks of it, we are a couple of weeks away from its beginning. The International 11 is over, and with it, we got to see some of the most interesting transfers in the game. By the looks of it, the top-tier teams of 2023 will be amazing to watch, so we can’t wait to see them in action.
With that said, there are a couple of days left until 2023, meaning it is time to look at our Dota 2 dream team. Everyone has his favorite players, but certain names stood out throughout the season. Your list might be slightly different than ours, but let’s go through our pick regarding the best hero in each position.
Position 5 – Clement “Puppey” Ivanov
Picking the perfect position 5 players in 2022 is not easy, even if you’ve followed every Dota 2 event up close. However, a couple of names shined above the rest, and Puppey is among them.
Despite being one of the oldest Dota 2 professionals in the game, he remains a crucial part of Team Secret. Puppey is the team’s captain and one of the main reasons why the WEU powerhouse is in a league of its own.
Team Secret’s performance throughout 2022 was a rollercoaster of emotions. The team wasn’t able to win any big event and barely got the chance to compete at TI 11. However, after winning the Last Chance quals, the team dominated its opponents and even reached the final.
Needless to say, Puppey was one of Secret’s key players and one of the main reasons for its huge success. Despite being 32 years old, the Estonian player will continue to lead his team in the upcoming DPC season.
Position 4 – Ye “BoBoKa” Zhibiao
Despite the fact that the Western European teams have been incredibly strong in the last couple of years, the Chinese are also pretty good. PSG.LGD was the leading name in the region for almost three years, but following TI 11, Team Aster became the leading club in the region. Consequently, we choose BoBoKa to be on our dream team for 2022.
The legendary support player has been a part of the professional scene for several years now. He played for many top-tier teams, such as iG Vitality, iG, and Team Aster. In fact, he’s been with the organization since 2018, which is impressive, to say the least.
Known for his aggressive playstyle, BoBoKa holds the record for the highest kills per game as support at TI 7. He will continue to play a crucial role for his team in 2023, and we can’t wait to see him in action against the best in China.
Position 3 – Ammar “ATF” Al-Assaf
Even though ATF is no longer an offlaner because he moved to Nigma Galaxy and is the team’s new carry, he was the offlaner for OG throughout 2022. Unsurprisingly, he is our go-to option when it comes down to Dota 2 offlaners because he is on another level compared to pretty much everyone else.
Ammar became popular after joining OG in late 2021. The 17-year-old star quickly rose to the top with his remarkable individual skill and understanding of the game. He was often spotted carrying sheets of paper with tactics, and his teammates even said that he doesn’t sleep that much to have more time playing/analyzing Dota 2.
Even though OG was very successful in 2022 and won several events, the team wasn’t able to lift the Aegis at TI 11. The loss was probably one of the reasons why ATF decided to move to Nigma and become the team’s carry. As you probably know, he will substitute none other than Miracle-.
Position 2 – Leon “Nine” Kirilin
Regarding mid-laners, we have to include Nine, one of the best Dota 2 players we’ve seen in the last couple of years. He and his team Tundra Esports lifted the Aegis at TI 11 after a dominant performance. Nine and co. didn’t lose a single series in the competition and deserved to be named the best team in the world.
The reason why Nine is so good as a mid-laner and why everyone wants him on his team is because of his versatility. His 1v1 skills are second to none, but his ability to pick a variety of heroes and excel at all of them is just impressive.
Nine is the type of mid-laner that does not like playing farming midders that require a lot of time to come online. Instead, he is a fan of fast-paced heroes that rely on magical damage. That's one of the reasons why he often picks things like Lina, Zeus, and more.
Position 1 – Lasse “MATUMBAMAN” Urpalainen
There have been a couple of world-class carriers that definitely have what it takes to be on the list. However, we think that MATUMBAMAN is the one that stands out because he was one of the main reasons why Team Liquid became so successful. The bad news is that the player decided to retire from professional Dota 2, at least for now.
We can go on and on about MATU and everything he achieved throughout his career. One of the most important things to remember about him is that he won TI 7, but he also helped Liquid a lot throughout the year.
One of the big reasons why we’d like to have MATU on our team is because he is among the few carries that can play any meta hero. What’s more, he has a couple of favorite options, such as Lone Druid and Pugna, meaning he can always surprise the enemy.
As you can imagine, MATU and Nine could be one of the most dangerous duos in Dota 2. We hope that we will see them side by side in the future. Who knows, the Finnish carry might decide to come back stronger than ever.