CSGO News: Unicorns of Love Expand into CSGO, Sign Euronics Roster

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CSGO News: Unicorns of Love Expand into CSGO, Sign Euronics Roster

Unicorns of Love, of EU LCS fame, expand into the CS:GO scene this week as they sign a fully German roster.

The move comes after the Unicorns were ousted from the EU LCS by Riot Games, who cited the want for teams with a larger financial backing than UoL could bring to the table.

UoL signed the majority of German organization Euronics, adding Oliver “kzy” Heck, Markus “maRky” Reitenbach, and Christian “crisby” Schmitt, along with Euronics stand-in Denim “DeniMM” Ameti and veteran André “Kirby” Kempa.

The newly-formed UoL CSGO team will compete in the Season 6 of ESEA Mountain Dew League with the likes of SproutGG, Epsilon, ALTERNATE aTTax, and Red Reserve.

Unicorns of Love will compete with the following roster:

  • Oliver “kzy” Heck
  • Marcus “maRky” Reitenback
  • Christian “crisby” Schmitt
  • Denim “DeniMM” Ameti
  • André “Kirby” Kempa

Image Via: The Esports Observer

Nick Johnson
Nick "Lesona" Johnson is an esports journalist with a focus on CS:GO and the OWL. His interest for esports started with CS:S and grew into a career as both an esports writer and an avid fan, giving him a unique perspective on both the casual and professional scenes. Twitter: @Lesona_