CSGO News: A Close Look at the New Mousesports

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CSGO News: A Close Look at the New Mousesports

ESTNN's Slava Britvin takes a gander at the new-look Mousesports.

The updated roster of Mousesports, at first glance, seems to be one of the strangest combinations of players possible. With w0xic, karrigan, ChrisJ, frozen and ropz the team has plenty of firepower. That said, this squad and its coaches still have to find out how to use each other to get the maximum benefit to the team. The future of the squad is still vague, despite the fact that Mousesports has already played many official matches.


Options: Good Or Bad?

What Mousesport's roster gives them is options, and a large number of permutations for entire strategies and individual players' positions is a good thing. It gives a team variability and confuses opponents when preparing for a match. On the flip side of the coin, however, is that the squad can simply be unable to understand how to fully unleash the potential of the team in each and every specific situation.

Do you place karrigan in the in-game leader position and let Chris de Jong focus on his sniper rifle? Do you divide control over different parts of the map between them? What complicates Mousesports more is the fact that, besides ChrisJ, w0xic and frozen can also take the AWP into their own hands. As another option, both could even act as entry-fraggers. Even ropz, with his style of play and reaction times, could be a decent entry-fragger.

Questions remain, however. Who will be the most impactful lurker? Which bundles of players do you use, and when do you use their overlapping sets of talents as opposed to the talents of a different player? What style of play to use? Mousesports has three explosive players in their team. One is used to a more complex tactical game. One just forgot what tactics are while playing for FaZe. How do you mesh those different styles?

So far, Mousesports is looking for itself, and it is extremely interesting to watch.


Mousesports = FaZe?

The funniest thing about all this is that now the game of Mousesports resembles the game FaZe. Most important rounds and situations are handled exclusively on the individual skill and initiative of the players, the teamplay is often poor and disjointed.

This periodically affects the result, but the high level of motivation and honeymoon period that we usually see with new teams creates an illusion that everything is not so bad.

A big exam for Rejin

If there's one person that really bears the responsibility for what Mousesports can become, then it's on Rejin.

Unfortunately, his only coaching experience has been on Tricked. It is here that we can compare him with Ave, who showed good results with the North Academy, but after the transition to the tier one level for North, it turned out that it was difficult for him to understand how to utilize the firepower that he had on that team. Rejin is in a similar situation currently with Mousesports.

Most importantly, Rejin will have to cope not only with the in-game moments. He has a team full of young, fiery players under him: hot w0xic, young fr0zen, steady ropz. Don't forget the probelms that existed on this team when Styko was a part of it. It's a team full of egos, both young and old, and Rejin will have to figure out how to deal with that.

There is a lot of work to be done on all fronts, and if Rejin can deal with this roster, there will be two results: Mousesports will be the tier-1 team everyone knows they can be, and Rejin will show himself as great coach. At the same time, however, the current roster of Mousesports is so complex that, if Rejin fails, it doesn't make him a bad coach. It will just make him a bad coach for Mousesports.

The Berlin Major is three months away. If Mousesports succeed (which they probably will) to reach The Berlin Major, then we will be able to make the first realistic conclusions on this team. As of yet, nothing is clear.

Image VIA: Mousesports

Slava Britvin
Slava "innersh1ne" Britvin is a CS:GO analyst and esports journalist. He currently performs as an analyst for FaZe Clan & as a partnered author of CS.MONEY at ESTNN. You can learn more about Slava on our About page. Twitter @innersh1necsgo.