CSGO News: Dennis returns to the NiP Lineup

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CSGO News: Dennis returns to the NiP Lineup

Ninjas In Pajamas announced the return of rifler Dennis “dennis” Edman to their Counterstrike: Global Offensive lineup today on the team’s official Twitter account.

Ninjas In Pajamas welcomed back Dennis “dennis” Edman to their lineup today. The organization had allowed dennis to take time off after “experience[ing] some fatigue due to heavy scheduling and traveling.”

The Sweedish Counterstrike player had this to say about how he is feeling after his time away from the team:

A month of calm and relaxation, which was more than needed, is now over. I’m so hyped about coming back and it was very hard to watch all the games from home, all I wanted to do was to get back on the server and pop some heads! However, I believe this will help me and my team to become even better than before I took this break. More majors, better placements and a lot of sick games incoming. You better be ready, ladies & gentlemen!

Dennis will play his first games back with the team when NiP plays their first ESL Pro League Season 9 game on  Tuesday, April 16th.

The Ninjas in Pajamas say goodbye to William “draken” Sundin. Draken had played in dennis' place in the recent Starladder Star Series tournament. He also stood in for dennis at Blast Pro Series São Paulo.

Ninjas in Pajamas roster is now as follows:

  • Christopher “GeT_RiGhT” Alesund
  • Patrik “fOrest” Lindberg
  • Fredrik “REZ” Sterner
  • Jonas “LekrO” Olofsson
  • Dennis “dennis” Edman
  • Faruk “pita” Pita (Coach)

Other News: Smooya to stand in for Renegades

Nick Johnson
Nick "Lesona" Johnson is an esports journalist with a focus on CS:GO and the OWL. His interest for esports started with CS:S and grew into a career as both an esports writer and an avid fan, giving him a unique perspective on both the casual and professional scenes. Twitter: @Lesona_