CSGO Cheats You Should Be Aware Of
| Tags: CS2
| Author Zlosterr

We go over some of the most common CSGO cheats, and how to spot them!
As one of the most popular shooters in the world, it shouldn’t be surprising that CSGO has many cheaters. Although people thought that it would be impossible for hackers to bypass the security systems, this wasn’t the case.
CS 1.6 players are probably not disappointed because they remember that there were tons of cheaters back in the day. Although CSGO is not that “stacked” with them yet, this could change in the future as more and more players use such things.
Unsurprisingly, we don't recommend nor admire those who use cheats because it ruins the fun for everyone. There are all sorts of CSGO cheats out there, but some are more common than others because they are free. That’s why we’ve decided to point out some of the options that stand out and show you what you’ll get.
Sadly, detecting a cheater is easier said than done, especially if the player knows how to hide it. In other words, you might be playing against a cheater without even realizing it.
The first hack you've probably come across at least a couple of times so far is called Aimbot. Even though it may have several versions, the “regular” one allows players to land headshots when they start shooting automatically. In other words, it is really difficult to play against someone using Aimbot because he will be able to kill you much faster.
Aside from the one that focuses on headshots only, there are versions of this cheat that will let you hit all of your bullets. This is usually the preferred option because the opponents won’t tell right away that a given player is cheating.
Aimbot is a very popular hack that is available all over the world. Some versions are free, but those that are difficult to catch and offer more options are paid. We have no idea why someone would want to spend money on a CSGO hack, but there are people who do that.
The second cheat you've most probably faced so far is called SelectFire. The latter is a popular group of players that are notorious for creating different CSGO cheats, and this one is one of them. It is free, which makes it even more popular among those who want to run in the fun for others.
Similar to the Aimbot option, this one allows players to hit their shots much easier, which makes them more successful. However, unlike many other hacks, this one actually provides tons of customizability. You can do all sorts of things, such as removing certain things from the game or adding new things. The idea is to customize it in a way that will allow you to achieve the best results possible.
Speed hacks
We’ve already mentioned that some of the hacks in this article have been a huge problem for CS 1.6 players. Well, the speed hack is definitely one of them because it was a nightmare to play against someone using it.
As its name suggests, the speedhack allows you to move much faster than other players. There are several options to choose from, but most of them give you the opportunity to teleport and even move through objects, such as boxes, walls, etc. Since this version of the hack is pretty obvious, most people prefer to use the one that simply gives you extra movement speed.
This might not seem like a considerable advantage, but it offers you tons of perks because you can position yourself better or catch your opponents by surprise.
Some people might think that AImbot is the most popular and sought-after hack in CSGO, and this might be true. However, we think this “honor” should go to the wallhack for one simple reason — it's much harder to detect.
A good CSGO player with a wallhack will make it seem as if he is not actually using it. We are confident that loads of people use this all the time, but they’ve learned how to ensure that the rest won’t find out.
Although there might be different kinds of wall hacks to choose from, the classic options let people see enemy players through walls and other kinds of things. Since they always know where their enemies are, they can easily position themselves in a way that will allow them to get easy kills.
Unsurprisingly, no one likes playing against wall hackers, but this is something that CS players have to do all the time. This kind of cheat became popular in CS 1.6, and it’s been a part of the game ever since.
Other kinds of cheats
There are many other kinds of CSGO cheats you can find online. For example, there was one that allowed you to teleport to the enemy spawn point and kill all players as soon as the freeze time was over. In fact, one of the most popular CSGO streamers called shroud experienced this while streaming.
Another interesting cheat that you may come across is related to planting the bomb. If you don’t feel like waiting for a couple of seconds after planting it, you can use this option, and the bomb will explode as soon as you plant it. Although this will kill you all the time, it will automatically allow you to win the round.
Even though some people might not think ti should be in this category, we also have to mention the annoying bunny hop script. The latter is very popular and hard to detect, which makes it an excellent option for players who have problems with their movement in CSGO.
Some bunny hop scripts allow you to jump automatically, whereas others only help you do it yourself by allowing you to be faster. Needless to say, those things are not allowed, so you will get banned as soon as someone notices them.
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