CS: GO News: Valens back in as Cloud9 Head Coach, Rambo Out

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CS: GO News: Valens back in as Cloud9 Head Coach, Rambo Out

Cloud9 Valens will transition back to the Cloud9's CS: GO Head Coach role just a month after vacating the position.

Cloud9 has switched back to Soham “Valens” Chowdhury as the C9 Counterstrike: Global Offensive Head Coach. Ronald “Rambo” Kim is leaving the position after a short trial period starting in January ended in him becoming the Head Coach of the C9 squad in March.

Cloud9 announced the move today, thanking Rambo for his work with the team:


Valens, who had moved to C9’s Head of Data Science position when Rambo took over, announced that he would return to the role on Twitter:

Rambo commented on the information in a tweet today:


Cloud9 has had a difficult run of late, failing to win a single match at BLAST Pro Series Miami. The team, with Valens back at the helm, will play in BLAST Pro Series Madrid followed shortly by Dreamhack Masters Dallas at the end of the month.

Nick Johnson
Nick "Lesona" Johnson is an esports journalist with a focus on CS:GO and the OWL. His interest for esports started with CS:S and grew into a career as both an esports writer and an avid fan, giving him a unique perspective on both the casual and professional scenes. Twitter: @Lesona_