CSGO News: Bravado Gaming Cancels Indiegogo Campaign, May Leave the US
| Tags: CS2
| Author Nick Johnson
South African CS:GO team Bravado Gaming has cancelled their IndieGoGo campaign and will refund all money raised. Dubbed “Project Destiny,” the campaign seemed to be raising money to allow Bravado Gaming players to stay and compete in America. As of this morning, the campaign had raised $4,268 of its $30,000 goal. At one time they had over $14,278 raised, thanks to exposure on Gabriel “FalleN” Toledo’s stream. The campaign was a last-ditch effort to raise the funds needed to keep the team in the United States.
We ask that no more funds are to be donated to our #projectdestiny Indiegogo campaign. Once the next 5 days are completed, all backers will be reimbursed.
We will release an official press release very soon to clear things up.
Thanking you! <3
Bravado Management pic.twitter.com/jtRzpDG5j7— Bravado Gaming (@bravadogaming) January 26, 2019
One of the campaign updates paints a picture of a team that did not have the funds to pay the rent on the Bravado Gaming team house in Austin, Texas: “Let's wish and hope that we can achieve our full goal by next week as we're getting a lot (sic) of pressure from our landlords in Austin, Texas about renewing the lease.” As a result, Bravado Gaming may be returning to South Africa.
The campaign was released late last year, asking for $30,000 in order to stay in the US and help financially with acquiring the 01/P1 Visas which the players would need in order to stay and compete in the United States. According to the initial Project Destiny post, “if Bravado Gaming cannot support any of the above and/or if the players are not happy with any of the above, we will have no choice but to release the team from their contracts, for the sake of the players and Bravado Gaming’s future which may also see a full South African roster disband depending on which route the team/players take for the future.”
The latest update on the backer page announced the canceling of the campaign and the promise that a press release would follow. They repeated their promise to refund all donations and seem to be following through on that process.
After arriving in the US, the team has made waves in the scene. Starting in ESEA Main, they fought their way to MDL and won it. They are one of the few teams that have won back-to-back ESEA seasons. Recently, Bravado Gaming narrowly missed a spot in the IEM Katowice Major, placing 5th in the America’s Minor. They currently sit at #21 in the HLTV Rankings. The team is now participating in ESL MDL Season 30, and it is unclear what would happen if the team has to leave North America. They are 2-0 in that league.
Bravado’s current lineup looks like this:
Dimitri “Detrony” Hadjipaschal
Aran “Sonic” Groesbeek
Johnny “JT” Theodosiou
Ruan “Elusive” Van Wyk
Rhys “Fadey” Armstrong
Images VIA: Bravado Gaming