blameF Ready To Sacrifice Individual Performance For New Astralis IGL Role
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| Author The News One

Benjamin “blameF” Bremer is ready to sacrifice his individual play for acing his role as the new Astralis IGL
Benjamin “blameF” Bremer, who will be the Astralis IGL moving forward, revealed in an interview that he believes the new responsibility will compromise his personal play, but he is ready to make the sacrifice.
Credit: PGL
Astralis kept working hard during the off-season, as their slight improvement in form at the end of last season was not good enough for the Danish giants to feel complacent.
Rather than sticking with their long-time in-game leader Lukas “gla1ve” Rossander, the Danes decided to bench him and relegate Alexander “Altekz” Givskov to the academy roster, clearing space for the additions of Johannes “b0RUP” Borup and emerging talent Victor “Staehr” Staehr, who Nicolai “dev1ce” Reedtz had even hailed as one of Denmark’s best talents in five years.
Moving on from gla1ve was a controversial move that still divides the fanbase. blameF, who has been the star performer for the team, now steps into the shoes of the legendary IGL. The 26-year-old is no stranger to playing as an IGL, having played the role during his Complexity years. In recent years, however, he has grown more comfortable playing without the added burden of being the IGL. How will he cope with the new role?
What Did blameF Say About Being The New Astralis IGL?
The rifler said the management did not have to do much to convince him to take the role.
“Both the team and the management came to me and asked me to do it, so it was just a no-brainer. I always said to my teammates that I'll play whatever they want me to, maybe I've said it more to my coaches because obviously, they are the ones in charge (laughs). I've always said I will play whatever roles, whatever they wanted, so when both parties came to me and asked me it was a no-brainer. Of course, it's a big responsibility and quite new for me, because it's been a long time since I've been IGLing, but it's a no-brainer if that's the direction the team wants to go.”
blameF also revealed that the club did not look at other options before approaching him for the IGL role.
“It would be hard because I don't think there were any clear Danish IGLs right now that you could get…”
He then went on to talk about how being an IGL could impact his performance.
“I know it's going to take a hit. I am giving a lot of my positions away that I think I was good at to some of the new players in the team, because they are supposed to shine in those positions, so I definitely feel like my fragging will take a hit. The new players bring some new firepower to the team, so if that's the direction the team needs to go in, I am totally fine with it.”
You can read the full interview here.