Best Viper Post Plant Lineups on Pearl

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Best Viper Post Plant Lineups on Pearl

Don’t play Viper on Pearl without learning these lineups.

Riot Game’s latest addition to their roster of controller agents is the ambitious Viper, who debuted in the game's infancy. This agent can be credited with shaping the very essence of Valorant's gameplay. Although she started as one of the weaker agents across the maps, she has since received numerous buffs that have solidified her position as an integral part of the game's meta. She's currently a top pick among fans regarding controller agents. If you plan on running your ranked games with this agent, you cannot afford to go unprepared. Out of all the agents in the current pool, this one shines the most in the hands of a prepared veteran. Therefore, to help you make the most out of your capacity, we have prepared a list of lineups that we deem decisive in the attack side of the map Pearl. 

Best Viper Post Plant Lineups on Pearl

Credit: Riot Games

Post Plant Lineups

We already have the answer if you want to know what gets the most hate in Valorant from a desperate defuser. It is the nerdy post-plant lineups that bring every defending side player's dream to shambles. When they think they’ve got it, a shiny object in the sky appears. As it closes towards them gradually, they wonder whether this is divine aid or God’s act of mercy. Spoiler – it is none. It is the ambition of a ratty viper main to decimate all the hope of the defending side. By the time they figure it out, the round has already been lost. That’s how you also must make your opponent feel with the following lineups on Pearl:

A Default

This post-plant lineup by YouTuber Lineups Guide will maximize efficiency when the spike is planted on A default.

Picture2 3

Credit: Lineups Guide


Step 1: Hug the word “KINGDOM” in the picture below on A main.


Credit: Lineups Guide


Step 2: Pay attention to the part of the roof where the crosshair meets, as shown below.


Credit: Lineups Guide


Step 3: Align part of your UI with the previously shown spot in the following manner. Then simply left-click to launch your snake bite.

Picture5 1

A Cubby

Always tell your teammates to plant here when you want to use this lineup.

Picture6 1

Credit: Lineups Guide


Step 1: Hug the same spot from earlier above. (the word “KINGDOM” in the picture)


Credit: Lineups Guide


Step 2: Line up your HUD with the shown part of the wooden object.


Credit: Lineups Guide


Step 3: A simple left click will shatter your opponent's dreams of victory. 



B Open Plant

This is a familiar spot for a B-site spike plant. Therefore, learning to defend it post-plant will pay off well.


Credit: Lineups Guide


Step 1: Get close to this sewer in B ramp.


Credit: Lineups Guide


Step 2: Align your HUD with the shown spot like this


Credit: Lineups Guide


Step 3: Launch your snakebite by simply pressing the fire button.


In summary, Viper's venomous tactics are most effective in the cramped quarters of Pearl's A site and the long pathway of B site. If you're looking to boost your RR graphs, the methods we've provided will be highly beneficial. Why not take matters into your own hands and launch a custom server to hone your skills with these strategic lineups before your next competitive match?

For more guides on Viper, stay with ESTNN.

Best Viper Post Plant Lineups on Pearl
Who knew combining a love for cheesy one-liners and Valorant would lead to a writing career?