Best Brimstone Post-plant Incendiary Lineups on Fracture

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Best Brimstone Post-plant Incendiary Lineups on Fracture

Brimstone mains will benefit by using these Incendiary lineups on Fracture post-plant.

Brimstone gained mass appeal to Valorant’s player base because it can provide much value to the team while requiring a low-skill floor to operate. Each of his abilities is highly impactful for a team’s success, such as the smoke bombs cover for angles when attacking and they delay enemy push when defending. The steam beacon is useful in any situation involving a gunfight. Lastly, the incendiary is a multi-purpose ability used in various situations. One of these situations is related to the post-plant phase of a round. During these highly intense moments, a few powerful Incendiary lineups will stop the defenders from defusing the spike turning the odds in your favor. Therefore, this article explores the best Brimstone lineups players must abuse in post-plant situations. 

Best Brimstone Post-plant Incendiary Lineups on Fracture

Credit: TheGamer

A Site Post-plant Lineups

Once you take control of the A site, you want to ensure the spike gets planted in either of the default, corner, or top site areas. With these post-plant A-site Fracture incendiary lineups, you’ll never lose to a defusing enemy again.

A Default from Drop

We did some research and found this lineup for an A Default plant. It can come in handy when positioned in the “Drop” area.

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Credit: Snapiex


Step 1: Get into this corner which is near the dish.

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Credit: Snapiex


Step 2: Aim your crosshair at the shown spot.


Credit: Snapiex


Step 3: Press left-click, and it will land quickly after being bounced off the wall. That means you can wait for the tapping sound from the defender before using this one.

A Default from Main

Often it is not enough to learn only one lineup for a common plant spot. You must be unpredictable to keep winning in this game and so make sure you know this post-plant lineup for A default when playing from outside A-Main.


Step 1: Come out of A main and hug this corner shown below.

image009 1

Credit: Snapiex


Step 2: Line your left side of the HUD with this shown spot. (Refer to the following pictures for better understanding)


Credit: Snapiex


Credit: Snapiex


Step 3: Simply just left-click, and the molly will have a perfect land.


A Corner from Main

When the spike is planted on this corner, the A-Main entry is often smoked off by defenders making it harder to stop the defuse. Well, not anymore since now you’ll have this lineup that’ll do just the job for you.


Credit: Snapiex


Step 1: Come out of A main and hug this corner shown below.


Credit: Snapiex


Step 2: The middle of your smoke icon must be lined at the bottom of this bar-like structure.


Credit: Snapiex


Credit: Snapiex


Step 3: A simple left-click launch will cause this utility to prevent any ambition of defusing the spike.

A Site Top from Main

Like A Default and A Corner, the top site of A is also a common place for a spike to be planted. This Incendiary lineup will come in extra handy in this spot since taking direct gunfights is relatively harder here. 


Credit: Snapiex


Step 1: Come out of A main and approach the corner below.


Credit: Snapiex


Step 2: Follow the below pictures and line your HUD’s left icon with shown spot.


Credit: Snapiex


Credit: Snapiex


Step 3: A standing throw will lead to the utility bouncing off the roof and landing on the spike.

B Site Post-plant Lineups

B site is an important part of Fracture for the attackers to take advantage of. Going with these essential post-plant lineups will help you win a lot of difficult rounds.

B Default from Main

We’ll move on to B site post-plant lineups starting with the most common B default.


Credit: Snapiex


Step 1: Find this corner outside B main and hug it.


Credit: Snapiex


Step 2: Carefully look at the following pictures and align the left side of your Ultimate icon with the shown spot.


Credit: Snapiex


Credit: Snapiex


Step 3: Stand still and launch the Incendiary to land it precisely on your plant location.


B Default from Arcade

Arcade on B site is a powerful position, especially during post-plant. Players here can fight rotating defenders, which provides huge value to the team. However, if you want to go sneaky about it, this Incendiary lineup can help.


Step 1: Find this corner on B Arcade and get stuck to it.


Credit: Snapiex


Step 2: Look straight above and aim at the middle of the second and third leaf, as pointed out below.


Credit: Snapiex


Credit: Snapiex


Step 3: A simple left-click launch will do the job for you.

B Corner from Main

The B Corner spot is the safest plant location on the site. However, its wall covers make it hard to protect the spike from defusers. That’s why you cannot afford to go for a plant here without this effective lineup.


Credit: Snapiex


Step 1: Jump up on this box outside of B main.


Credit: Snapiex


Step 2: Aim at the angle shown in the picture and move your crosshair just slightly above the edge.


Credit: Snapiex


Credit: Snapiex


Step 3: Finally, do a left-click throw to bounce the incendiary off the B site wall to land on B corner.

B Corner from Arcade

We have discussed the various incentives a player might have to play in this position in post-plant situations. It’s worth mentioning whenever the spike is planted on B Corner, the defusing player often suspects enemies to show up from the B Tower location. That’s when you can use this molly and show up from Arcade to surprise your foe.


Step 1: Get close to this corner on B Arcade.


Credit: Snapiex


Step 2: Aim above and find the spot in the picture where you’ll aim between the second and the third leaf.


Credit: Snapiex


Step 3: Simply stand still and launch your incendiary. It should land on B Corner, giving you an edge on the clutch situation.

Best Brimstone Post-plant Incendiary Lineups on Fracture
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