Apex Legends Reveals Forge as the Game’s latest Legend
| Tags: Apex Legends
| Author Craig Robinson

Respawn Entertainment’s recent dev vlog reveals new Legend, Battle Pass, weapon and more.
Respawn Entertainment recently hosted a dev stream, featuring all the latest news for Apex Legends. The stream focused on the upcoming Season 4 of Apex Legends titled Assimilation. The Season will launch on February 4th, the first anniversary of Apex Legends. It will feature a new Legend named Forge, a new battle pass and a brand-new weapon.
Forge is the newest Legend to join the roster of playable characters. He is a bruiser whose lore focus him being an MMA fighter. For those who play(ed) Titanfall, he is sponsored by Hammond Robotics, a company know in the Titanfall lore.
Other than, Forge is still a mystery to players. Chances are we will find out more about Forge the closer we get to the February 4th release of Season 4. All we know is, there isn’t a bruiser class Legend in the game yet, so that’s something to stay excited for.
Sentinel is the latest weapon to be joining Apex Legends. Respawn will include yet another sniper rifle weapon to the game. Only this time the Sentinel will be a bolt action sniper. The weapon is described as “cut through your enemies’ armour before they ever see you coming…” How different this weapon will be to the Kraber 50.cal is also not certain. It is likely the Sentinel will bridge the gap between the Longbow and the Kraber.
Anniversary Celebrations
Like with most games celebrating a game’s milestone, Apex Legends will be no different. Free items will be available to those who log in on February 4th. This is a special thank you from Respawn Entertainment for helping to build up their Battle Royale title. The list of upcoming free items can be seen here.
Overall, today’s dev blog was just a teaser of what to expect come February 4th. For those interested, the full vlog can be found here.