Apex Legends News: Respawns Nerfs Circle Damage in Elite Queue
| Tags: Apex Legends
| Author Nick Johnson
Respawn has responded to player feedback and decided to nerf the recently increased Circle Damage in the Apex Elite Queue.
In a tweet last night, Respawn Entertainment revealed that they are nerfing the Circle Damage in the Apex Elite Queue, Apex Legend’s ultra-competitive mode.
Legends, around 4pm PST today, circle damage in Elite Queue will be the following:
🔸First circle now does 7% damage per tick [previously this was 15%]
🔸Second circle does 15% damage per tick
🔸Third circle does 20% damage per tick
🔸Remaining circles do 25% damage per tick— Apex Legends (@PlayApex) June 13, 2019
According to the tweet, the first circle will now do 7% total health damage per tick. The second will inflict 15%, while the third and following circles will do 20% and 25% damage, respectively. Respawn initially buffed the circle damage to combat players who chose to sit inside the circle and heal through the slight damage in order to place higher in the match.
Some fans thought the buff was too drastic, however. Twitter and the game’s subreddit were alight with complains that the increased circle damage forced teams to give up on loot or decide not to take battles due to the fear of the encroaching circle.
Respawn released the Apex Legends Elite Queue with the game’s first event, the Legendary Hunt, last week. The new queue allows players that finish in the top-five squads in a match to queue with other top-five squads to battle it out for supremacy.
The Apex Elite Queue and the Legendary Hunt event are available in Apex Legends until July 2nd.