Apex Legends: Lululuvely Announces $100,000 Lulu’s Throwdown Tournament

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Apex Legends: Lululuvely Announces $100,000 Lulu’s Throwdown Tournament

NRG Streamer Lululuvely brings us two days of community action with her community aimed Apex Legends event.

NRG Streamer Lululuvey has announced her own Apex Legends tournament, titled Lulu’s Throwdown Tournament. The event is set to have 20 teams compete across two days, with a total of $100,000 USD on the line.

Lulu's Throwdown event info

Lululuvely is teaming up with Electronic Arts to host two tournament days on February 4-5, with 20 teams competing for the 100k prize pool. As the event’s creator, the proclaimed Queen of Apex Legends will host commentary throughout the event.

Both match days will have a special 30-45 minutes for team captains to have a segment. Team Captains pick their teams of three, with Lulu herself in charge of a team. The team captain segment will likely reveal the teams, and possibly some trash talk or hype build-up. It is certainly going to be an interesting change of pace for an Apex Legends event.

As it stands, there are several prominent team captains in play. TSM’s Albralelie, Snip3down, Imperialhal are all Captains, with other prominent figures like Daltoosh and NiceWigg captains of teams. These are just a few of the captains we’ll see captain their teams to become the Apex Legends.

Part of the reason why the event is up and running is because of Los Angeles esports and gaming talent agency, Ader. The agency is the firm that represents Lulu, among other content creators. Ader has recently gained traction after creating other marketing events, such as bringing in non-endemic brands like Reese’s and other online events and news pieces.

Fans interested in the event can tune into the event on February 4-5 from 13:00 PST. Lulu’s Throwdown tournament will have stream all over Twitch TV. Go ahead with your favorite perspective and watch the Season 8 mayhem unfold. Maybe we’ll see some new picks because of the meta or just some fun comps in the spirit of the event.

Featued image via Lululuvely / EA.

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Craig Robinson
After several years volunteering as an esport writer, Craig decided to make it his go-to career. He has specialized in a variety of games, with his recent focus on Rainbow Six and Apex. Craig has written for Esports News UK, Ginx TV & Hotspawn Esports.