All Valorant Episode 4 Act 2 battle pass rewards
| Tags: Valorant
| Author Arnab Baidya

Is the new Valorant Battle Pass worth your cash? We take a closer look at what's included!
Additional Reporting: Bence Loksa
Valorant Episode 4 Act 1 is about to end and Riot has officially released details of the upcoming Episode 4 Act 2, which will start on March 1, 2022. The new Act won't be featuring a new map or an Agent as per Anna Donlon, Dev Team Lead for Valorant Act 2 will be focused on “strengthening the foundation and improving the overall health of the game”. This means we can expect Agent balance changes, changes to existing maps, better ranked experience and more. And also, we can look out for a new Battle Pass!
In Valorant with every new act, your rank resets and Riot Games releases a new, completable Battle Pass with a free and premium track. Every Battle Pass includes new content such as new weapon skins, player cards, gun buddies, and sprays!
Laura Baltzer, Associate Producer said that “When we started working on this pass, we wanted to create items that players around the world wanted to use to express themselves. We collaborated with our regional teams to come up with items that felt relevant to their players. We had a lot of fun discovering the different memes, callouts, traditions, and metas players are using and that we otherwise might not have known about.”
As mentioned earlier the new Battle Pass will release on March 1, 2022 and will cost 1000 VP ($9.99). Here is the list of complete rewards in the upcoming Valorant Episode 4 Act 2 Battle Pass.
Gun Buddies
There are some Buddies which really hit the mark for the “regional aspect” of the Battle Pass, with viking, ancient Egyptian and even some polish heritage with that Witcher's emblem!
Player Cards
Weapon Skins
Divine Swine
Pigs are a recurring theme in this Pass, with a Gun Buddy, a spectacular Player Card and some skins with the same, extremely cute desing of the Card!
Lycan's Bane
Become werewolf hunters with the new Lycan's Bane skinline, which looks like it comes straight from Bloodborne.
Of course, there can be no Battle Pass without some modern, hype-looking variations for you favorite weapons, this time around the Pass' Knife skin is from this line as well!
But where the cultural aspect shines the most are the Sprays. Which brings some well known memes and some really representative sprays as well.
Is the Episode 4 Act 2 Battle Pass worth it?
Every Battle Pass provides loads of new skins and other in-game items at a nominal cost. The new Episode 4 Act 2 Pass continues same the trend. The new upcoming Battle Pass content provides absolute bang for the buck items; including a free Knife skin and tons of Radianite Points. And if you're sceptical about whether to purchase it, well, we believe for players who don't want to invest much on skins, the Battle Pass will be worth it.
Free Rewards in the Battle Pass
If you don't want to spend money for the Battle Pass but still want some in-game items, Riot's got you covered for that too. After completing five tiers of a chapters in the Battle Pass players get free rewards.
Here's the list of all the free rewards in the Episode 4 Act 2 Battle Pass:
- #SaveWidejoy Card and Wide Title
- Ep 4 Act 2 Coin Buddy
- 10 Radianite Points and Habibi Title
- SaveWidejoy Spray
- Bulkwark Armory Card and 10 Radianite Points
- Matryoshka Gun Buddy
- 10 Radianite Points and Goinmul Title
- Tactibear's Balalaika Spray
- All-purpose Slipper Buddy
- Striker Classic and Hush Card
After completing all the 10 chapters of the battle pass, you also get one Epilogue SaveWidejoy Spray and a #SaveWidejoy Card. Have fun grinding!