Where is Latverian Station Fortnite? Map for Big C5 Landmark

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Where is Latverian Station Fortnite? Map for Big C5 Landmark

Where is the Latverian Station Fortnite landmark? It’s a spot you’ll need to visit for quests this season, but tracking it down could be tricky for some players. This is what you need to know.

Fortnite’s map is pretty big. There are the expansive POIs that dominate gameplay, but also smaller spots. This season has a few quests that point you toward some of the more interesting ones.

Chapter 5 has seen things change for Fortnite, with a lot less storytelling being done in the old-fashioned way. However, the map is still full of interesting little easter eggs, quite a few of these are at Fortnite landmarks.

One of these is the Latverian Station Fortnite location, a demonstration of how Doom has rebuilt the Fortnite island! It’s one of the more unique train stations.

As well as featuring a unique Latverian design, it’s got quite a few chest spawns. A character wanders around, mending machine, and a couple of vehicle spawn. Pretty helpful for this less-vehicle-focused season.

Where is the Fortnite Latverian Station and how can you track it down to visit the NPC and other features here?

Where is Latverian Station Fortnite?

Latverian Station Fortnite

The Fortnite map has one big new region for Chapter 5 Season 4. The Latverian region. This has taken over the top right of the map, and it’s overflowing with new Doom POIs and landmarks.

After conquering the island, Doom made his home here. All the landscape is replaced with Doom Latverian style builds.

This is most visible in the POIs, covered with statues and posters of Doom. However, even outside of the POIs you can see his influence. Buildings all over this biome have little Doom accents. There’s a good number of easter eggs here too.

One of the most notable is the Fantastic Four sign in ruin, but Doom’s also taken over the train station.

One feature of the last season was the Fortnite train getting derailed and stopping running in all the chaos. Not the biggest loss considering it has been a bit irrelevant to gameplay for a few seasons. Doom fixed that, along with building the new Fortnite Latverian Station.

He might be a dictator, but Doom has quite literally made the trains run on time. The train is back running around the map and the stations have been rebuilt. Including a new one in the Latverian station Fortnite landmarks.

It’s the only train station in this biome, so it should be visible. We’ve got a map if you need a bit of help narrowing it down though.

Latverian Station Fortnite Location

If you’re looking for the Latverian Station Fortnite, it’s located here on the map this season:

Latverian Station Fortnite

It’s one of the bigger train stations. Being situated close to POIs with medallions and Mythic Fortnite weapons, it’s one of the busier points of call too. Although, there is an extra bit of loot and services available here compared to most train stations.

What’s in the Fortnite Latverian Station?

Once you track down the Fortnite Latverian Station, what’s actually here? There are a few key features.

The first is the buildings. This has slightly more space inside There are 8 different chest spawns and 9 ammo boxes. They won’t all spawn every game, but there’s enough to make sure players come out with okay loot.

There’s also an NPC location here! War Machine spawns and wanders around the Latverian Station in Fortnite. He’s a bit disappointing though.

War Machine has three different Fortnite items which vary from good to absolutely essential carries. However, you wouldn’t know that from talking to the War Machine NPC.

He doesn’t sell any of his armory, annoyingly. Just the normal services. There is a patch up mending machine here though, so healing won’t be a major problem at the Latverian Station Fortnite.

That’s what’s inside. It’s not quite as exciting as Castle Doom, but the Latverian Station in Fortnite is still worth visiting. Especially when there are quests located there and other features that push players to turn up at the Latverian Station Fortnite location.

Where is Latverian Station Fortnite? Map for Big C5 Landmark
Jordan Ashley
Ashley is a dedicated Fortnite player, in hour 3,000 of trying to finish above 90th.