Warhammer 40k Balance Dataslate January Xenos Points Changes – Everything Changed for the Alien Factions

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Warhammer 40k Balance Dataslate January Xenos Points Changes – Everything Changed for the Alien Factions

Warhammer 40k Balance Dataslate January Xenos Points Changes brought some nerfs to Aeldari outside of their rules changes, as well as some more expensive dwarves.

The January Warhammer 40k Balance Dataslate is finally here! Aeldari and Chaos Space Marines have been nerfed, Custodes have been buffed, and the Triumph of Saint Katherine is not utterly broken anymore!

But the rules also came with points changes – and after the Imperium and Chaos changes, it’s time to take a look at the alien factions of the grim, dark future – here are the Warhammer 40k Balance Dataslate January Xenos Points Changes.

Warhammer 40k Balance Dataslate January Xenos Points Changes

The Xenos Factions


The Space Elves only get 6 Fate Dice by default, Phantasm has been nerfed, the Yncarne can’t teleport around, and the Wraithguard have been hit – in more ways than one. With a 10 point increase alongside their ability only being able to shoot back at targets that shot them, Aeldari are in for a rough time after terrorizing the meta for months.

Nightspinners also took a hit to their points as well, but they are still probably worth to run – unlike Wraithguard, who might have been knocked over the edge with the combination of these changes.


The darker cousins of the Aeldari, the Dark Eldar got an entirely new detachment called Skysplinter Assault! Alongside their new toys, they received points cuts to Drazhar, Grotesques, Incubi, as well as Raiders and Reavers to go with their new Detachment.

Warhammer 40k Balance Dataslate January Xenos Points Changes

Sadly, the only truly usable Aircraft of 10th Edition has been nerfed, as the Voidraven Bomber is now 215 points. Still, Drukhari should be happy with their new options and could finally feel like a true army again, no matter if you play Realspace Raiders or Skysplinter Assault.

Genestealer Cults

Sitting comfortably in the middle of the pack since the September dataslate is the Genestealer Cults, who didn’t get changed that much. Purestrain Genestealers are a bit cheaper, but that’s all they get this time around – which is a preferable outcome to the nerfs they were hit with a few months back.

Leagues of Votann

The Space Dwarves slowly crept up to the 3rd spot in the meta after having a 30% winrate when the Edition first dropped. The 4 Judgement Tokens at the start of the game really helps them, as well as their units being incredibly cheap.

Warhammer 40k Balance Dataslate January Xenos Points Changes

The September buffs were somewhat reverted as the Brokhyr Thunderkyn went up 10 points alongside the Einhyr Hearthguard, and the Sagitaur is now 115 instead of a 100 – which is still incredibly worth it, but you might need to take out an enhancement or 2.


The Boyz are back in town as they mostly got buffs to their sub-par units like the former Speedwaaagh cars, as well as Killa Kans, Hunta Rigs, Kill Rigs and the Battlewagon. These armored units seen less play with the prevalence of some infantry and the Squighog units, but now they can blitz again.

With Nobz, Squighog Boyz and Trukks all getting a bit of a points increase, Orks players can look for other datasheets to fill the gaps in their army. While the aforementioned ones are not bad at all, they are not ridiculously cheap anymore.

T’au Empire

With their codex on the horizon, the T’au Empire only got some small points changes and no rules updates. The Crisis Commanders outside of the Coldstar are both cheaper, as well as Vespid Stingwings and Riptides – which are 165 points, so prepare for the revival of the Triptide meta.

While Crisis Battlesuits have been increased by 20 points/3 models, they are still one of the deadliest units in Warhammer 40k, and you should play more of them if you’re a T’au enthusiast.


Some scoring and Vanguard units have been hit, but in exchange, a number of lesser played monsters have been buffed. Tyrannofexes are great with their 190 points cost, while both Norns are finally under 300 points – and they are Knight-sized units!

Warhammer 40k Balance Dataslate January Xenos Points Changes

The Deathleaper and Neurolictor changes are a bit sad as they are new models, but the Gargoyles and Pyrovores nerfs are completely understandable. Screamer-Killers are also finally better, and might even see play at 145 points!

With all three of the main groups of factions now revealed, the Xenos maybe got the best end of the deal (outside of Aeldari). While the Warhammer 40k Balance Dataslate could’ve been a bit more brave, it’s a great step in the right direction from GW – hopefully, the April/May slate is at least this good!

Warhammer 40k Balance Dataslate January Xenos Points Changes – Everything Changed for the Alien Factions
Bence Loksa
Bence "Atreus" Loksa is a freelance journalist and League of Legends shoutcaster, covering all things esports and gaming, also yelling loudly at big plays happening on the Summoner's Rift. While his main focus is Riot Games' hit MOBA, he also dabbles in Call of Duty, VALORANT, and as of recent, the tabletop wargame Warhammer 40,000 - where he looks to make some grudges with his Leagues of Votann army.