Warhammer Christmas Battleforces 2024 – What’s the Best Value?
| Tags: Warhammer
| Author David Hollingsworth
The Warhammer Christmas Battleforces have been announced for both 40k and Age of Sigmar. Is the value good or are we just getting a box of excess stock.
We are going to base the information on the price of last year's boxes, and by the looks of it, they'll cost around the same this year. We'll price everything in USD and Pounds Sterling to make things a little easier to track. We've had a few changes and clarifications around the Knights box specifically, but otherwise, these are as Games Workshop showed them off.
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Warhammer Christmas Battleforces 2024
Update: Official corrections from GW on the Knights
“ In earlier version of this article stated that the Knight Questoris in this kit could be built as one of six variants and included Sir Hektur. We can confirm that the Knight Questoris can only be built as a Knight Paladin or a Knight Errant.”
Warhammer 40k Christmas Battleforces
All points are based on data from 8/10/24.
Update: So yeah, these boxes have ended up costing a little more than we expected, hey. Games Workshop has upped the price by about £10/$10 or so on these so the deals are not as good as we thought. That said, these are still some great kits, and if you want any of them this is a great time to get them. For me personally, that Dark Angels box calls to me, and while I already have the Lion, it's hard to ignore how good the rest of that kit is.
Adepta Sororitas
Cost of kits – £215/$350
Saving – £75/$120
Discount – 35%
Points in the box – 680
Points per pound/dollar – 3
Notes – Non-meta set, two Rhino tanks seem a missed chance
Cost of kits – £208/$340
Saving – £70/$110
Discount – 33%
Points in the box – 720
Points per pound/dollar – 3
Notes – Overlap with combat patrol. Older Necron players probably don't want Warriors
T'au Empire
Cost of kits -£210/$335
Saving -£70/ $105
Discount -33%
Points in the box – 500
Points per pound/dollar – 2.2
Notes – Cool box for people who maybe like T'au but don't play. For those that do, it might be lacking in models and highlights the cost of T'au
Dark Angels
Cost of kits – £230/$375
Saving -£90/$145
Discount – 40%
Points in the box – 1025
Points per pound/dollar – 4.5
Notes – The standout of the collection. Some of the newest models of any of the boxes, a meta squad of models easily going to be one of the fastest selling models.
Imperial Knights
Cost of kits – £225/$370
Saving – £85/$140
Discount -38%
Points in the box – Shy of 1000 due to box limits mentioned below
Points per pound/dollar – 4
Notes – This box is not as good as first revealed. Sadly, you cannot make the Armigers as either variant or the Questoris as any variant. You can only build the Errant and Paladin, there are no extra weapon options, no Thunderstrike Gauntlet, and no Knight Pilot Mini.
Age of Sigmar Christmas Battleforces
AoS full breakdown coming soon.
All points are based on data from TBD
Cities of Sigmar
Cost of kits – £210/$335
Saving – £75/$120
Discount – 35%
Points in the box – 960
Notes — Nice kit if you have the Spearhead, and an amazing start if it's a fresh start to a Cities of Sigmar army
Flesh-Eater Courts
Cost of kits – £210/$335
Saving -£75/$120
Discount – 35%
Notes – Only one character is lacking given how Flesh-Eater Courts works. A solid box but a slightly weak selection
Ironjawz Wrekkamob
Cost of kits – £205/$325
Saving -£70/$110
Discount – 34%
Notes—Some new miniatures in the box are a good bonus, but without a Spearhead, it's hard to know how well this works out. We suspect a good play here is to get this and use it as a Spearhead as well. Also, this kit is a good way to get Ironjawz at a discount, something we've not had a chance to do yet.
Maggotkin of Nurgle
Cost of kits – £210/$345
Saving – £75/$120
Discount – 35%
Notes – Good options, with flexibility in the kits. If you have the Spearhead, there's a good overlap with that set if you want to build out a full army. But this army is limited to begin with.
When will we see the Christmas Battleforces?
We will likely get them in November as the rest of the GW release cycle slows down and GW looks to get that sweet Q4 profits up.