Warcraft Rumble Blackrock Mountain Boss Guide

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Warcraft Rumble Blackrock Mountain Boss Guide

This Warcraft Rumble Blackrock Mountain Boss Guide will help you overcome the last and most difficult zone in the game.

After learning more about Un’Goro Crater and Winterspring, the next zone in Warcraft Rumble that we need to talk about is Blackrock Mountain. This is the last and most difficult zone we have access to as of now, so let’s learn more about everything.

Warcraft Rumble Blackrock Mountain Boss Guide

Before you learn more about each boss, it is important to know that there are 5 of them. Some will seem a bit harder than others, but the reality is that every encounter is different. This is the reason why this Blackrock Mountain Warcraft Rumble Boss guide will show you everything you should know.


Warcraft Rumble Blackrock Mountain Boss Guide
via YouTube

The first boss that you will meet once you go to Blackrock Mountain in Warcraft Rumble is Volchan. This is fight has its specifics, such as the turret located on the right side near the chest. Once that’s taken over, you must keep pushing until you reach the boss.

With that said, you will have to defend the left side, which can be achieved with Harpeirs or other flying minis. Regarding the most optimal draft you can use, here is a good option:

  • Cairne Bloodhoof
  • Ogre Magi
  • Blizzard
  • Stonehoof Tauren
  • Warsong Raider
  • Frostwolf Shaman
  • Darkspear Troll/Harpies

If you decide to use this draft, focus on sending Stonehoof or the troll on the right side so they can get at least one chest. Cairne, with the Frostwolf Shaman, should be able to deal with the left side, whereas Ogre can clear the idle pack. Cairne is an important leader here, so you have to make sure to keep him alive.


The next name we need to discuss in this Warcraft Rumble Blackrock Mountain boss guide is Omonotron. Interestingly, there are 2 of them on the field at any time, and if you kill one of them while under the Overload effect, you will get a lot of damage. In other words, the goal here is to kill them when they are not under the effect of this spell. Keep in mind that he might summon another unit once he dies, so you may have to kill multiple units before you win this encounter. This mission is incredibly challenging, so you need to know what you are doing

As for the setup, here is what worked best:

  • Baron Rivendare
  • Darkspear Troll
  • Pyromancer
  • Harpies
  • S.A.F.E. Pilot
  • Stonehoof Tauren
  • Necromancer

This fight is very specific and requires you to complete certain steps, so it probably requires a guide on its own. Your goal should be to kill the first Omnotron before he reaches the central upper lane because this will summon the second Omnotron.

Emperor Thaurissan

Warcraft Rumble Blackrock Mountain Boss Guide
via YouTube

The next boss in the Blackrock Mountain is a lot different than the rest because of his effects. Every minion that dies on your side will power his two alters. Once they gain enough resources, they will summon a free fire elemental. Other than that, the boss is not that difficult to deal with, but it is probably a good idea to have some healing so you can keep your units alive. Also, having flying units seems like a good idea.

  • Sylvanas Windrunner
  • Ghoul
  • S.A.F.E. Pilot
  • Harpies
  • Darkspear Troll
  • Necromancer
  • Blizzard

We won this encounter by focusing on the center lane, where we cleared a wave and pushed with the DPS. To be honest, the mission is not that difficult if you know what you are doing because this boss does not have some of the annoying abilities of others.

Rend Blackhand

Another important name we must talk about in this Warcraft Rumble Blackrock Mountain boss guide is Rend Blackhand. What’s interesting here is that you have several different mines around you, meaning you can use them with a Dark Iron Dwarf. Rend Blackhand deals a lot of damage, but having Gargoyles and/or Harpies should be able to deal with him.

Keep in mind that there are Molten Giants that deal a lot of damage. 

There are several different drafts that  you can get to win this boss encounter, including:

  • Bloodmage Thalnos
  • Banshee
  • Gargoyle
  • Harpies
  • Whelp Eggs
  • Arcane Blast
  • Angry Chickens

This draft allows you to farm gold and use the Banshee to capture the Molten Giants. In terms of killing Rend Blackhand, the Gargoyle/Harpeis combo should be able to deal with him. 

General Drakkisath

General Drakkisath Warcraft Rumble Boss Fight Guide

It probably does not surprise that the Blackrock Mountain Warcraft Rumble boss guide will conclude with General Drakkisath. He is an extremely hard opponent to deal with, so you really need to know what to do to be successful. You definitely need a little bit of luck to win, and don’t be surprised if you need a lot of time to win.

Ideally, you should try to get the right tower early on because it will allow you to control the fight. Keep in mind he deals a lot of AoE damage, so you need to have a solid tank that won’t die right away.  You can learn more information about this fight by reading our separate General Drakkisath boss guide, where we go in more detail.

Warcraft Rumble Blackrock Mountain Boss Guide
Zlosterr has been a fan of esports for many years and mainly focuses on Dota 2. He has more than five years of experience writing Dota 2 content for numerous platforms. Besides being a passionate fan of the game, he's also played for various amateur teams.