New LoL Champion Vex Teased By Riot Games
| Tags: League of Legends
| Author Brandon Sturak
The Gloomy Mage is on her way to the game.
The Sentinels of Light event has kicked off and the battle for Runeterra is fierce. This new event is completely changing the game and the universe, as new and old champions alike join the fray. Already, we've seen Akshan join the ranks of LoL champions, but he doesn't seem to be the only one joining in on the action. It was revealed through the current event storyline that a Yordle named Vex, loyal to Viego, is the next upcoming champion, even before Akshan hits live servers.
From what we've seen and what know about her so far, Vex certainly does live up to her “Gloomy Mage” title. She fits into the all-black aesthetic, which makes sense, considering she's allied with Viego who's essentially destroying the world. Apparently, she plays quite a big role in Viego's story and is part of the reason why he is so powerful. So while we don't know her full backstory yet, it's sure to be an important one in the LoL universe.
Potential Vex Abilities & Release Date
It should be noted that, as of publishing, there's no official word on what Vex's abilities are. However, as per the April 2021 Champion Roadmap, Riot Games has decided to shift their focus of her from an artillery mage to more of a standard burst mage style. Seeing as she's linked with Viego, there's a good chance she has the ability to manipulate the Black Mists of the Ruination too. Or, if not that, some other unique magic that revolves around commanding shadows, as her teaser in the Champion Roadmap showed a large, menacing shadow that definitely wasn't hers. It's entirely possible that that shadow is a pet, like Annie's Tibbers, but there's no saying for certain.
As for Vex's release date, there's no confirmation on that yet either, but it's expected to be very soon. She'll likely release towards the end of the Rise of the Sentinels event, which is slated to end in August. Since Akshan is releasing in patch 11.15, it would make sense for Vex to release right after, in patch 11.16. This update should come around towards early-mid August, so make sure to be on the lookout for that!