Persona 3 Reload Gem Farming Guide – Best Methods
| Tags: Features
| Author Jordan Ashley

How does Persona 3 Reload Gem Farming work? With the right methods, you can farm gems in Persona 3 Reload much quicker using the right strategies.
Persona 3 has tons of fun social aspects that really show off the Reload upgrades. At the core though, you’re still going to need to grind some aspects. It’s a JRPG that can force the player to grind to get the better items.
If you’re looking to have the easiest run in Persona 3, getting some gems is really going to help you out. These have been vital in most versions of the game. You’re later able to cash these in at the Antique Store once it opens up, trading them for vital items. If you’re trying to amass the best armor in Persona 3 reload then you’ll want to keep your options open.
Keeping track of your gems will help, but knowing the best methods for Persona 3 gem farming is going to speed things up a lot. How can you make sure you’re maximizing your return of gems to get the best items for trade later? There are some techniques you can use to try and get a better yield from gem farming in Persona 3 Reload. This is how you can do that.
How to Farm Gems in Persona 3 Reload
The Gems in Persona 3 Reload making come from a few places but one is the best for gem farming Persona 3 Reload. Shadows. Shadows that you defeat in battle are going to drop gems depending on what type they are. Your techniques for Persona 3 Reload gem farming is going to vary depending on which you want to grind, but outside of the exact shadows you’re fighting, there are similar tips. This is how the gems work and how you can extract the most.
Pray at Naganaki Inari Shrine Before Persona 3 Reload Gem Farming
This is a simple task you can do which will help you farm gems in Persona 3 Reload a lot quicker. Making a prayer at this shrine can have a big effect on drop rates. To do this, head there during a clear daytime to get the feeling sneakier condition. This will buff item drop rates.
This by itself won’t make it easier to get gems. However, if you do this right before heading into Tartarus, you’re set up for better yields from gem farming Persona 3 Reload.
When to Farm Gems in Persona 3 Reload
One of the trickiest parts of getting anything grinded out in Persona games is knowing when to do it. Time is valuable. You don’t want to miss out on something important because you were grinding at something you could do at any time. You might miss a powerful social link scene, showing off the Persona 3 voice cast. When’s the best time to head out for gem farming in Persona 3 Reload?
The easiest time to do it is a daytime, which you already have free. One where there are no cutscenes nor other deadlines looming. Then, you’re free to devote as much time as you want for Persona 3 Reload Gem Farming.
Gem Farming Persona 3 Reload – Shadow Fights
Knowing how the gems work is helpful, but what about actually making you’re getting more? There are a few little techniques which can make it significantly faster while in Taratarus. You’re essentially heading to Tartarus to grind out Shadow fights, similar to when you’re grinding levelling in Persona 3 Reload. There are some things that make things easier in the dungeon though.
Unstable Days
A common mechanic to save time on any kind of grinding in-game is to make use of unstable days. On some days, Tartarus will be unstable. This means more enemies that drop more goods when you take them out. These are the best days to farm gems. On these days, you can make a point of heading to the dungeon and beginning to farm the gems.
Upper Floors
The Higher levels of Tartarus are better for farming gems. This is probably not the most helpful, since by the time you unlock them you’re able to use a lot of the best Persona 3 Reload weapons anyway. However, the higher floors are better for grinding if you can delay. Once unlocked it’s better to focus on the higher levels rather than running through the early sections again for Persona 3 Reload Gem Farming.
Missing People
An alternative to just plain defeating shadows to farm gems in Persona 3 Reload is to go after missing people. Rescuing them in Tartarus isn’t the biggest mission, but it has a chance of dropping gems. This is great if you’re sick of just mindlessly fighting shadows.
Gem Farming Persona 3 Reload sessions might not be the most fun part of the game. However, the rewards, once you trade them in, can be pretty sizeable! It’s definitely worth making a few trips with the right prays to the higher levels, to maximise the reward for your time.