Palworld Ranch Drops: Full List With Suitable Pals For Them

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Palworld Ranch Drops: Full List With Suitable Pals For Them

The Pals in Palworld are known for their different working skills and they can be farmed for drops. Hence, here is a full list of Palworld Ranch Drops

Published less than a week ago, the latest open-world survival and crafting game released for the gaming world to explore is Palworld. It is gaining a lot of popularity quickly, despite being in the early access stage of development. It is a game based on going out on adventures with your “Pals” who are different types of creatures with various abilities. These Pals have to be caught after fighting them in the wild world, then trained and labored for doing work at your base and fighting with other creatures for later. There are over 100 Pals currently available in the game and once you catch them, you can add them to your Palbox for later usage.

There are many types of technology in the game and the Ranch is one of the most important ones because that’s where players can farm resources or drops from Pals. Specifically, Pals with the “Farming” Work Suitability amongst others can be used to farm resources or Ranch drops. However, what are the resources or drops that can be farmed and which Pals are suitable for it? Keep on reading to find out all about Palworld Ranch Drops and which Pals are suitable for it. 

Full List of Palworld Ranch Drops

Now, there are a lot of different resources in Palworld that are used for various things ranging from building, crafting tools and cooking. However, can all these resources be obtained as a drop from a Pal after farming them on a Ranch? No, that is not the case at all. Hence, here is a list of all the Palworld Ranch Drops that can be obtained through farming:

  • Wool 
  • Eggs
  • Milk
  • Red Berries
  • Cotton Candy
  • Honey
  • Flame Organs
  • High Quality Cloth
  • Gold Coins

Suitable Pals for each Ranch Drop

Now that you know what resources or items can be obtained as Ranch Drops, which Pals drop these items? Only Pals with the Farming Work Suitability are able to be farmed in a Ranch in your base. Hence, here is a list of all the suitable Pals for each of the Palworld Ranch Drops:


Lamball Credit Pocketpair on YouTube
Credit: @Pocketpair on YouTube

For Wool, there are 3 different Pals that are suitable. They are given as follows:

  • Lamball: This Pal is a Neutral Element type of Pal that is known for being at the bottom of the food chain. Besides Farming, it also has Transporting and Handiwork as its Work Suitability.

  • Cremis: This Pal is a Neutral Element type of Pal that has Farming and Gathering as its Work Suitability.

  • Melpaca: This Pal is a Neutral Element type of Pal that is known for being one of the best Pals for farming Wool. It only has Farming as its Work Suitability, which makes it perfect for being in the Ranch.


Credit: @Pocketpair on YouTube

For Eggs, there is only one Pal that is suitable. The Pal is known as Chikipi, which is the only Pal that can drop Eggs as Ranch Drops. It is a Neutral Element type of Pal that has Farming and Gathering as its Work Suitability. 


Mozzarina Credit MonkeyKingHero on YouTube
Credit: @MonkeyKingHero on YouTube

For Milk, there is only one Pal that is suitable. The Pal is known as Mozzarina, which is the only Pal that can drop Milk as Ranch Drops. It is a Neutral Element type of Pal that only has Farming as its Work Suitability, making it perfect for farming in a Ranch on your base.

Red Berries

Caprity Credit

For Red Berries, there is only one Pal that is suitable. The Pal is known as Caprity, which is the only Pal that can drop Red Berries as Ranch Drops. It is a Grass Element type of Pal that has Farming and Planting as its Work Suitability, making it perfect for farming in a Ranch on your base and for planting crops, like Red Berries!

Cotton Candy

Woolipop Credit Game Guides Channel on YouTube
Credit: @Game Guides Channel on YouTube

For Cotton Candy, there is only one Pal that is suitable. The Pal is known as Woolipop, which is the only Pal that can drop Cotton Candy as Ranch Drops. It is a Neutral Element type of Pal that only has Farming as its Work Suitability, making it perfect for farming in a Ranch on your base.


Credit: @Game Guides Channel on YouTube

For Honey, there is only one Pal that is suitable. The Pal is known as Beegarde, which is the only Pal that can drop Honey as Ranch Drops. It is a Grass Element type of Pal that has Farming, Planting, Gathering, Handiwork, Lumbering, Medicine Production and Transporting as its Work Suitability, making it a very multi-functional Pal that you would want to capture for your Palbox.

Flame Organs

Credit: @Game Guides Channel on YouTube

For Flame Organs, there is only one Pal that is suitable. The Pal is known as Flambelle, which is the only Pal that can drop Flame Organs as Ranch Drops. It is a Flame Element type of Pal that has Farming, Handiwork, Transporting and Kindling as its Work Suitability, making it a pretty versatile Pal that you would want to capture for various tasks in your base.

High Quality Cloth

Credit: @Pocketpair on YouTube

For High Quality Cloth, there is only one Pal that is suitable. The Pal is known as Sibelyx, which is the only Pal that can drop High Quality Cloth as Ranch Drops. It is an Ice Element type of Pal that has Farming, Cooling and Medicine Production as its Work Suitability, making it a good Pal that you would want to capture for various tasks in your base.

Gold Coins

Credit: @Pocketpair on YouTube

For Gold Coins, there are only two Pals that are suitable. The Pals are known as Mau and Mau Crystal, which are the only Pals that can drop Cotton Candy as Gold Coins. Mau is a Dark Element type of Pal that only has Farming as its Work Suitability, making it perfect for farming in a Ranch on your base. On the other hand, Mau Crystal is an Ice Element type of Pal that has Farming and Cooling as its Work Suitability.

Credit: @Pocketpair on YouTube

Other than the official Palword Ranch Drops, there is also another Pal that can be farmed for miscellaneous drops. The Pal is known as Vixy, a Neutral Element type of Pal that has Farming and Gathering as its Work Suitability. Its Partner Skill ability is known as “Dig Here!”, which makes it dig up Pal Spheres sometimes alongside Gold Coins and Arrows.


In the end, farming and collecting Ranch drops in the game is not as hard as it may have seemed to you. It is as easy as capturing the Pals and keeping them happy and healthy to make them work by themselves around the base’s Ranch and produce items for you. It is advisable to capture a few specific Pals like Mozzarina and Beegare then focus on leveling them up because they produce the most important resources in the game: Milk and Honey.

Hence, make sure to read up on all the information given above about how to collect and farm Palworld Ranch Drops from suitable Pals in your world quickly. Also, check out our article on the best Pals for each work in Palworld to know about which Pals to capture in the game for specific tasks. Stay tuned for more such content from ESTNN!

Palworld Ranch Drops: Full List With Suitable Pals For Them
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