Overwatch League: Los Angeles Gladiators Mutually Part Ways With OGE

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Overwatch League: Los Angeles Gladiators Mutually Part Ways With OGE

Min-seok “OGE” Son and the Los Angeles Gladiators are mutually parting ways as the Overwatch League 2020 season is ending.

After a year with the Los Angeles Gladiators, main tank player Min-seok “OGE” Son is now mutually parting ways with the team.

OGE joined the team last year, after a season with the Dallas Fuel. The Los Angeles Gladiators traded their DPS player Jang “Decay” Gui-in for the main tank player. Son quickly found his place in the roster. His aggressive gameplay as the main tank helped the team win fights and guaranteed Son’s position in the starting six for the Los Angeles Gladiators.

The Overwatch League 2020 Season didn’t go that well for the Los Angeles Gladiators. The team is hovering between the 5th and 8th position in all seasonal tournaments. They also ended its North American Playoffs adventure in Quarterfinals. Following these mixed results, the Los Angeles Gladiators are making room in the team and coaching staff for the upcoming season.

With the release of OGE, the Los Angeles Gladiators released their sixth player this off-season. The Los Angeles Gladiators only have four players left on their roster. They are off-tank player Indy “SPACE” Halpern and DPS players Ji-hyeok “birdring” Kim, Gia Huy “Chris” “MirroR” Trịnh and Kevin “kevster” Persson.

Overwatch League: Los Angeles Gladiators Mutually Part Ways With OGE
Ophelie Castelot
Ophelie is both an esport and journalism lover. She is the former head of the CS:GO section for a major esport website. Ophelie has been analyzing Overwatch ever since its release in 2016.