MAD Lions vs NRG Recap Worlds 2023 Swiss Stage Day 4
| Tags: LCS, League of Legends, LEC
| Author Paul Goño

It was another EU vs NA power struggle as two equally-matched rosters fought in an incredibly close MAD Lions vs NRG bo1 in Swiss Stage Day 4
MAD vs NRG was a chaotic slugfest in a struggle to keep the lead. In a seriously close match, the #1 seed in the LCS had a formidable poke comp that kept the Lions at bay. But if there's anything that fans know about MAD, it's that they are utterly unstoppable when they find a shred of momentum.
If you want to bet on League of Legends or love the game, this MAD Lions vs NRG recap is for you!
MAD Lions vs NRG Recap
Flex picks were seen on both sides as Carzzy's Nila was answered by another Sylas by Palafox. Ultimately, the engage power leaned towards MAD's side, with J4 and Rumble giving them a ton of close-ranged lethality.
First kill was found in 3 minutes to Palafox, who caught Elyoya's Jarvan IV pretty early on. Later on, NRG's mid-laner roamed to top and forced a reset on Chasy. MAD counterplayed by having a three-man dive on top to pick off Dhokla.

In the earlygame, much of the focus was on top side as Nisqy and co. were committed to stopping the Jayce from scaling. Meanwhile, the botlane continued to be a slugfest that didn't see a lot of action until the midgame.
By minute 10, Palafox went in for a risky dive under turret for Elyoya, but was punished for it by Hylissang and Carzzy, letting MAD equalize the killscore once more. That said, NRG found other leads by taking plates and their second dragon.
Both teams played it safe for a while before going into botside river to contest the Mountain drake. A massive fight from NRG took out the LEC opposition with IgNar's Rell ult, resulting in the biggest lead in the game. However, MAD answered soon after by getting 2 picks and making a move for Baron. Great positioning from Chasy and Nisqy got their team another kill, which meant they outnumbered NRG when they tried to desperately stop MAD's victorious Baron take.
Luckily, the LCS #1 seed had better vision across the board, which led to NRG Dhokla making up for his early game misplays and catching up to MAD's 16-kill lead. But MAD found another strong position after Chasy's Rumble ult won a bot-side skirmish. At this point, both teams were evenly matched, but MAD still needed to stop NRG from claiming Soul.
It all came to a head when MAD fell in a crushing ace near dragon pit, leaving 3 members of NRG to claim the 6th dragon of the game AND Baron Nashor. In the next few minutes, the LCS team only needed to push botlane all the way to the inhibitor before preparing for Elder.
The final fight was an intense battle over Elder Dragon, whose buff would've decided the match. However, Palafox and Dhokla went ahead and pushed by themselves to destroy MAD's nexus, ending the match after 41 minutes.
Quick Stats
Teams: MAD 0 – 1 NRG
Time: 41:37
Kills: 24 – 22
Turrets: 10 – 4
Gold: 79.2k – 74.1k
Dragons: 4 – 2
Barons: 1 – 1
How to watch Worlds 2023 Swiss Stage
Keep an eye on the Riot Games & LoL Esports Twitch or YouTube channels. The Main Event of Worlds 2023 continues on October 22 at 01:00 ET/00:00 CST/22:00 PT.
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