Lords of the Fallen Adyr Boss Guide

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Lords of the Fallen Adyr Boss Guide

If you have reached this point, know that you are facing the final boss of the game. In fact, the only thing that separates you from the credits is the Lords of the Fallen Adyr boss you will have to defeat to put an end to your long journey. Once you have defeated the Sundered Monarch boss, don't rest too much because the game will immediately put you in front of another battle which, fortunately, will be the last (if you want to get the default ending).

How to beat Adyr in Lords of the Fallen

Contrary to what one might think since we are faced with the final boss and the one who created everything we encountered in our long adventure, the clash against Adyr is not at all complicated. This is a rather unusual boss fight compared to all the others you have had to take part in, so it is normal if at the beginning you find yourself a little lost and don't know what to do. However, don't worry: that's exactly why we are here.

In order to kill Adyr and therefore be able to see the end credits of Lords of the Fallen, you will not have to attack the boss directly, but rather the mobs that are present in the arena. In fact, they are precisely its weak point and, if hit, will allow you to inflict damage on the boss. Once one of the followers dies, the magic that is inherent within him is automatically transferred to another.

Put this way it might seem like the whole fight is child's play, but you shouldn't make the mistake of underestimating it. It's true, we said that it won't be very complicated to face Adyr, but this is in relation to the other Lords of the Fallen bosses, so this means that there is still a level of difficulty, albeit not as high as in other cases.

Lords of the Fallen Adyr

However, what makes the process of killing its minions more difficult is the fact that there will be enemies who will throw fireballs at you that will deal quite a bit of damage. As if that wasn't enough, these enemies will also be able to create pools of magma, explode when they die, and, some of them, will have parasites that you will have to remove before you can actually hit them and inflict damage. As a result, this clash against Adyr is certainly no walk in the woods.

Furthermore, the thing that could put you under pressure the most is the fact that this boss fight has a sort of timer. In fact, as soon as five minutes have passed since its start, Adyr will nuke the arena, which will result in instant death. I know what you're thinking: “What if I went to the Umbral realm?” I'm sorry to disappoint you but, even if you do, it's practically useless because Adyr will still succeed in its aim.

Consequently, the only advice we have to complete this battle is to eliminate Adyr's followers as soon as possible, so as not to run into the problem we mentioned above. As a bonus tip, we recommend using ranged attacks, in order to not only speed things up, but also to be able to stay in a safer position. By following this strategy, you will be able to inflict the damage necessary to empty its health bar instantly. At this point, approach for the final shot and witness the end of the game. As a reward for defeating this Lords of the Fallen boss, you will unlock the Radiant Purifier class which can be used in a new game.

Lords of the Fallen Adyr

Lords of the Fallen Adyr Boss Guide
Diana D'Estefano
Diana has been a huge fan of video games since she was a child. She started her "career" with Nintendo and then moved on to other platforms as well. Although she is a big fan of horror games, she plays almost all genres fearlessly. She writes news, reviews, guides, and features about both AAA and indie games.