LoL: LEC Sees Increase In Viewership Once Again In Spring
| Tags: League of Legends
| Author David Hollingsworth

With the Spring Split behind us, the LEC has announced that the 2021 Spring Split was another amazing year for LEC viewership.
Despite the lack of a G2 Esports vs Fnatic final, the LEC saw a huge number of viewers for the Grand Final between MAD Lions and Rogue. The peak viewing numbers were 866,821, an increase of 7.5 percent compared to the Spring Finals in 2020. This isn’t as high as the numbers for the 2020 Summer Finals, however, which saw 952,339 viewers tune in to watch G2 Esports take down Fnatic.
Two other major metrics used by the LEC are Average Minute Audience (AMA) and Hours Watched. The former saw 450,395 viewers during the MAD Lions and Rogue Grand Final, an increase of 12.3 percent last year. Hours watched also saw a huge increase over Spring 2020, with 44,160,068 hours of live-action viewed. This was an increase of just over 40 percent in Spring 2020.
The LEC doesn’t need G2 or Fnatic to pull in a crowd
While not an increase on Summer 2020, that was to be expected given the huge fan power of both Fnatic and G2 Esports. Though, the 2021 Spring numbers are certainly a lot higher than many would have expected, given the doom and gloom surrounding a final without G2 or Fnatic.
Ultimately, it’s good for the league to have a more diverse pool of teams competing. It will improve the overall fan experience and help to create storylines that can live on into the following season. To look ahead, Summer Split already has a story arc developing. A G2 V MAD Grand Final to reclaim or keep a trophy, Rogue getting another shot at the title or Fnatic redeeming themselves before Worlds. Added to that are the endless possibilities of other teams coming together in summer and challenging MAD after being inspired seeing an underdog take the title.