How To Get The Perfect Investigation Bonus In Phasmophobia
| Tags: Features
| Author Thealchemist
Are you looking to find out how to get the Perfect Investigation Bonus in Phasmophobia? Then, keep on reading to learn how to achieve the bonus
Phasmophobia is one of the most popular paranormal ghost investigation games where players have to complete ghost-hunting contracts either solo or in teams. Recently, the game had one of the most major updates, “Ascension” bringing a new aspect of level progression to unlock equipment and maps.
For this reason, earning XP or experience points is very important for players to progress in the game. One of the quickest ways to get XP is by getting the Perfect Investigation Bonus, but most players don’t know how to achieve that. Hence, here is how to get the Perfect Investigation Bonus in Phasmophobia.
Phasmophobia: How to Get the Perfect Investigation Bonus
After you complete a contract in Phasmophobia, there are a few different types of XP rewards that you can get. One such type of XP reward is the Perfect Investigation Bonus, which can be achieved by doing a few types of objectives in a contract. This bonus awards the player with 50 XP when done properly on top of the regular Investigation Bonus. This bonus amount of XP is also multiplied by 1x to 6x depending on which difficulty you’re playing on.
To get this bonus XP, you need to complete a series of objectives in the contract you’re playing. Hence, here are all of the objectives you need to complete to achieve this bonus XP:
Complete all 3 Objectives
The first thing you need to do to get the Perfect Investigation Bonus in Phasmophobia is complete all 3 of the objectives that you are assigned when playing any contract. Here are all of the possible objectives that you might get in your contract and how to complete them:
- Capture a photo of the ghost
- Find evidence of paranormal activity with an EMF Reader
- Detect a Ghost's presence with a Motion Sensor
- Prevent the Ghost from hunting with a Crucifix
- Have a member of your team witness a Ghost event
- Cleanse the area near the Ghost using Incense
- Repel the Ghost with Incense while it's chasing someone
- Get the Ghost to blow out a Firelight/Candle
- Have a member of the team escape the Ghost during a Hunt
- Get an average sanity below 25%
- Detect a paranormal sound with a Parabolic Microphone
Collect the Bone
The second thing you need to do to get the Perfect Investigation Bonus in Phasmophobia is to collect a bone from the map that you’re playing on. The bone can be any bone in the human body, so all the types that can be found in the game are given as follows:
- Spine
- Skull
- Jaw
- Right Scapula
- Left Scapula
- Right Hand
- Right Humerus
- Right Ulna
- Right Radius
- Ribcage
- Left Radius
- Left Ulna
- Left Humerus
- Left Hand
- Right Foot
- Right Fibula
- Right Femur
- Pelvis
- Left Femur
- Left Fibula
- Left Foot
The bone can spawn anywhere around the map’s investigation area. It typically spawns in areas that the Ghost can access which means in most cases, the bone can be found on the floor and it rarely spawns on top of furniture. All you have to do to collect the bone is to get near enough to it and use the “Pick Up” button, which is by default “E.” Picking the bone up will make it disappear and thus complete the objective. We would recommend snapping a picture of the bone from 4 meters away, not any more than that, to earn cash and better help with the next objective.
Fill your Journal with 10 3-Star Rating Photos
The third thing you need to do to get the Perfect Investigation Bonus in Phasmophobia is fill your Journal up with a total of 10 3-star rating photos. The only downside is taking 3-star rating photos is a little hard to do. To get a 3-star rated photo, you need to maintain a specific distance from the Ghost or special item you’re taking a picture of. Here are the specific distance requirements for each of those:
- Ghost distance: >4 Meters
- Special Item/Anything Else distance: >1.5 Meters
You also cannot take a picture of anything and everything to get a 3-star rating, it has to be specific things in the game that are worthy of the rating. Here are the things that you can take a picture of maintaining the distance requirement to get a 3-star rating:
- Bone: Photo of a bone that can be found on the ground or on top of furniture.
- Burned Crucifix: Photo of a Crucifix that has been used to interact with the Ghost.
- Dead Body: Photo of a dead player after they have been killed by the Ghost.
- Dirty Water: Photo of water inside a sink that is dirty after interacting with the Ghost.
- Fingerprints: Photo of a fingerprint left behind by the Ghost illuminated by a UV Light.
- Footprints: Photo of a footprint left behind by the Ghost illuminated by a UV Light.
- Disturbed Salt: Photo of a salt pile that the Ghost has stepped in or walked through.
- Ghost Writing: Photo of a Ghost Writing Book after the Ghost has interacted with it.
- Interaction: Photo of any type of interaction with the Ghost, such as thrown objects and Ouija Board answers.
- Cursed Objects: Photo of a cursed object out of the 7 available ones including Haunted Mirror, Music Box, Ouija Board, Summoning Circle, Tarot Cards, Voodoo Doll and Monkey Paw. You can find these in a specific location on each map, so check out our cursed objects locations guide on small and medium plus large maps to find out where.
Correctly Identify the Ghost
The fourth thing you need to do to get the Perfect Investigation Bonus in Phasmophobia is to identify the Ghost. To do this, you need to carry the right types of equipment, which give proper results like the EMF Reader, Thermometer and Spirit Box.
It is best to track down the Ghost room quickly and set up all sorts of equipment in the room like the video cameras, DOTS Projectors, Salt piles and the Ghost Writing Book. Once that is done, you need to cycle through all types of equipment that can give evidence regarding the Ghost and comb through the map a few times until you get all three pieces of evidence. Mark off each piece of evidence in your Journal as you find it and once you get the second one, rule out all evidence that cannot be the third one and then work your way to the last from there.
Needless to say, getting this XP bonus is not quite as complicated as it may seem. Once you complete all four of the requirements given above you will get the bonus along with the cash reward. Hence, what are you waiting for? Read up on all of the information given above and get your Perfect Investigation Bonus in Phasmophobia today. Also, check out our Phasmophobia Ghost Tier List and stay tuned for more such content in the future!