Guangzhou Charge Releases And Relegates Ahead Of OWL 2022

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Guangzhou Charge Releases And Relegates Ahead Of OWL 2022

Dropping the support line.

Discounting the two-way players with their Contenders team UP Academy, Guangzhou only had a six-man roster, just enough to make a starting roster. They have now released their two Support players Chan-hee “Mandu” Kim and Youngseo “KariV” Park.

Fans have already raised questions about why the Support line is being dropped. Especially so when the Tank line is considered to be the weakest part of the team. And because the DPS line has become famous for inconsistency. What the team is planning is not predictable for almost anybody. It seems everyone is still confused about why these players were released in the first place.

Contenders Relegation

When relegating players in the off-season, it’s never certain whether those players will return within the next half-year. Or if they’re going to be Contenders mainstays. Right now for Guangzhou, it’s Jihun “Jihun” Kim and Zou “MYKaylee” Zijie that are being relegated to UP Academy, the Guangzhou Charge Contenders Academy team. Those two players are in the skill tier right between Contenders and the Overwatch League. Their skills aren’t met with success in the Overwatch League but dominate a little too much over the Contenders scene. Hopefully, two more seasons of Contenders can get these two players where they need to be for us to see them return to play in the Overwatch League. And ideally with more playtime than they received this season.

Guangzhou Charge Releases And Relegates Ahead Of OWL 2022
Joseph Shay
Joseph is Production Director and Writer with experience in the esports field. He has coached Overwatch teams in North American and Pacific Contenders, and has been an avid esports fan for years now. Outside of esports and media, he is a Creative Writing major based out of Virginia, USA.