Granblue Fantasy Relink Defender Weapons: What Are They?

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Granblue Fantasy Relink Defender Weapons: What Are They?

Here is a complete list of the early game Granblue Fantasy Relink Defender Weapons and what they really are

Known to everyone who is following the trending games of 2024, Granblue Fantasy: Relink is an action roleplaying game (ARPG) where players have to complete quests or missions for the main storyline to progress. Being an ARPG, one of the most necessary tools, if not the most necessary tool, is Weapons. Weapons are used by the characters in the game to not only deal damage to enemies but also to increase stats. There are 5 types of weapons in the game including Defender, Ascension, Executioner, Stinger, Stunner and Terminus Weapons.

One of the types of weapons that players get are the early game Defender Weapons, which have the HP trait, i.e. the trait that boosts the base HP stat by default when the player has a weapon of that type equipped. These weapons are the default weapons that a player gets whenever they choose a character unless it is swapped for a different one. Hence, here is a complete list of all the Granblue Fantasy: Relink Defender Weapons and what they are.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Defender Weapons

At present, there are 19 different Defender Weapons in the game that you can get from the characters. Each character in the game has their own unique Defender Weapon and it is the default weapon that they have right after you recruit them from Siero’s Knickknack Shack. You can increase the level of the Defender Weapons up to the max level after uncapping it, which is level 150. All of these weapons have 575 HP and 68 ATK or attack power. Hence, here is a list of all the Granblue Fantasy Relink Defender Weapons:

Credit: Granblue Fantasy Relink Wiki
  1. Alabarda: This Defender Weapon belongs to the character, Vane.

    Altachiara Credit Granblue Fantasy Relink Wiki
    Credit: Granblue Fantasy Relink Wiki
  2. Altachiara: This Defender Weapon belongs to the character, Lancelot.

    Brahma Gauntlet
    Credit: Granblue Fantasy Relink Wiki
  3. Brahma Gauntlet: This Defender Weapon belongs to the character, Ghadagoza.

    Claiomh Solais
    Credit: Granblue Fantasy Relink Wiki
  4. Claiomh Solais: This Defender Weapon belongs to the character, Charlotta.

    Credit: Granblue Fantasy Relink Wiki
  5. Dreyse: This Defender Weapon belongs to the character, Eugen.

    Credit: Granblue Fantasy Relink Wiki
  6. Egoism: This Defender Weapon belongs to the character, Rosetta.

    Credit: Granblue Fantasy Relink Wiki
  7. Flamberge: This Defender Weapon belongs to the character, Percival.

    Credit: Granblue Fantasy Relink Wiki
  8. Flintspike: This Defender Weapon belongs to the character, Rackam.

    Credit: Granblue Fantasy Relink Wiki
  9. Geisterpeitsche: This Defender Weapon belongs to the character, Ferry.

    Great Scythe Grynoth
    Credit: Granblue Fantasy Relink Wiki
  10. Great Scythe Grynoth: This Defender Weapon belongs to the character, Vaseraga.

    Credit: Granblue Fantasy Relink Wiki
  11. Integrity: This Defender Weapon belongs to the character, Siegfried.

    Kiku Ichimonji
    Credit: Granblue Fantasy Relink Wiki
  12. Kiku-Ichimonji: This Defender Weapon belongs to the character, Yodarha.

    Little Witch Scepter
    Credit: Granblue Fantasy Relink Wiki
  13. Little Witch Scepter: This Defender Weapon belongs to the character, Io.

    Magnum Opus
    Credit: Granblue Fantasy Relink Wiki
  14. Magnum Opus: This Defender Weapon belongs to the character, Cagliostro.

    Nakamaki Nodachi
    Credit: Granblue Fantasy Relink Wiki
  15. Nakamaki Nodachi: This Defender Weapon belongs to the character, Narmaya.

    Credit: Granblue Fantasy Relink Wiki
  16. Ragnarok: This Defender Weapon belongs to the character, Id.

    Credit: Granblue Fantasy Relink Wiki
  17. Rukalsa: This Defender Weapon belongs to the character, Katalina.

    Spear of Arvess
    Credit: Granblue Fantasy Relink Wiki
  18. Spear of Arvess: This Defender Weapon belongs to the character, Zeta.

    Travellers Sword
    Credit: Granblue Fantasy Relink Wiki
  19. Traveller’s Sword: This Defender Weapon belongs to the character, The Captain.

Needless to say, there are a lot of Defender Weapons that you can get in the game. Hence, check out all of the Granblue Fantasy Relink Defender Weapons given above and which character they belong to and choose your favorite. Also, check out our article on Ascension Weapons in Granblue Fantasy: Relink and learn what materials are needed to forge or craft them.  Stay tuned for more such content from ESTNN!

Granblue Fantasy Relink Defender Weapons: What Are They?
The Old One
When he's not sighing at sub-standard teammates in Dota 2 and CS2, The Old One is writing about those two games (among other things). If you see his name around the site too many times for your liking, well, the guy just never stops writing. Yes, we've tried an intervention.