Four Loko Crack a Cold One With The Boys From Beastcoast

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Four Loko Crack a Cold One With The Boys From Beastcoast

Phusion Projects, makers of Four Loko, step into esports signing a sponsorship deal with Beastcoast.

Adult beverage company, Phusion Projects have just signed a sponsorship deal with NYC-based esports organization, Beastcoast.

The company’s Four Loko line of drinks will be front and center in a series of “online happy hours”. Each happy hour will take place on Twitch featuring Beastcoast’s players.

Fans of Beastcoast’s rosters can expect to see their favorite pro’s from Mortal Kombat 11, Super Smash Bros and Dragon Ball FighterZ.

“This new partnership with Four Loko means a lot to me”.  Said Steve “Lord Knight” Barthelemy, who represents Beastcoast in Dragon Ball FighterZ. “In the fighting game community, it is common for newer players to use “fake” partnership tags as a joke or as something they would aim for in the future.” He said, “Four Loko was actually one of the original ones I used. “It'll happen one day!” I used to say – and sure enough, it happened.”

As Barthelemy explains, the fighting game community is not just about the games, but the lifestyle as well. He hopes the partnership “not only opens new doors for other players, but also new types of partnerships in the community.”

It’s a solid move for Phusion, that makes sense in the long run. The average age of esports viewers in the USA sits in the 25-34 bracket. And considering esports events often pull in viewership numbers in the millions that’s a large market of potential customers for Phusion.

Grant Zimm, CEO and founder of Beastcoast seems to think so too. Referring to the partnership as both “revolutionary” and “a huge step forward for Beastcoast and for Phusion.

“From day one, Beastcoast has been all about bringing people together to have fun playing games.” Zimm said. “We can’t think of a better brand that embodies that value than Four Loko.”

Beastcoast fans can tune in for the first Four Loko Happy Hour event on March 30.

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Eliana Bollati
Eliana is a freelance editor & journalist from Australia with a passion for esports and video games. An avid player of video games for the better part of three decades, she began following professional esports circuits during the 2010s. She brings both a player and longtime fan perspective into her commentary on the professional scenes.