Fortnite: When Is Travis Scott Returning To The Item Shop?

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Fortnite: When Is Travis Scott Returning To The Item Shop?

Fortnite Battle Royale leakers believe that the Travis Scott skin will return to the Item Shop this week.

Fortnite fans everywhere have been clamoring for the Travis Scott skin to return since it left the Item Shop nearly a year ago. Professional player Kyle “Mongraal” Jackson of FaZe Clan and other loyalists helped build a strong cult following around one of the rap genre’s most notable names.

The Travis Scott set arrived in April of last year before the artist’s in-game event captured the attention of over 12 million Fortnite players, some of which had no genuine interest in the game. Leakers within the scene have anticipated the skin’s triumphant return on multiple occasions.

Unfortunately, each instance resulted in disappointment from the millions of Fortnite fans worldwide. Just when the hype died down, several reliable leakers, including Hypex, have started the Travis Scott rumor mill once again, but this time it seems legit.

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Travis Scott's Return to Fortnite

As we mentioned, Travis Scott’s “Astronomical” event struck audiences with its dazzling music and imagery on April 23, 2020. While the concert’s first anniversary just passed, there’s still hope for it to return soon. Perhaps the cosmetic’s resurfacing could coincide with Travis Scott’s birthday on April 30.

The never-ending rumor mill coupled with Epic’s recent shop section update has spawned insane amounts of anticipation across Twitter, Reddit, and YouTube. The details seem to check out.

However, it’s important to temper expectations, mainly because this situation happened back in February on “Travis Scott Day.” The rapper’s hometown of Missouri City, Texas, declared that his day.

All hopes deflated when players waited as the Item Shop updated and Travis Scott was nowhere to be found. The hype surrounding Travis Scott’s return has taken on a life of its own, and Epic stands to generate obscene amounts of money when it finally does resurface.

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Fortnite leaker ShiinaBR was hot on a trail earlier this week that seemed to indicate Travis Scott’s Item Shop appearance. Although Epic removed the rapper’s shop sections abruptly, it’s a sign of movement in the right direction. Could that day finally arrive next week? All signs are pointing toward yes.

We’ll update with information should additional details come through in the next few days!

Featured Image: Epic Games

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Matt Pryor
Matt is a graduate of Southern New Hampshire University. He appreciates all esports titles but primarily focuses on Fortnite and Call of Duty. Matt continuously analyzes gameplay and plays the games himself to better understand in-game decisions by the best players in the world.