Fortnite Pro FaZe Mongraal Responds To Slander From Aqua & Other Tier 1 Players
| Tags: Fortnite
| Author Matt Pryor
Mongraal responds to slander in the wake of aqua and noahreyli falling out.
Competitive Fortnite Battle Royale is constantly evolving with each passing day. Most of the top competitors from 2018 and 2019 have since moved on to other games or have quit entirely. That cannot be said for Kyle “FaZe Mongraal” Jackson—a legend in the scene who has competed since he was 13 years old.
Mongraal is unquestionably a top ten player of all time, considering his dual qualification for Fortnite World Cup and Fortnite Chaplin Series (FNCS) triumph in Chapter 2 – Season 4. His most recent career-defining win occurred four seasons ago, but a lot changes in a short amount of time when it comes to Fortnite.
The now 17-year-old player has struggled to find a reliable and steady team of late—something he’s been upfront and honest about. To compound Mongraal’s competitive struggles, he planned to team with two well-established professional players.
Unfortunately, he soon discovered that they spoke negatively behind his back and never intended to compete alongside him. Mongraal has since responded to the slander and his current position in the competitive scene.
The Potential Dream Team
Chapter 2 – Season 8 started like a dream for Mongraal. He revealed plans to team with Fortnite World Cup Champion David “aqua” Wang and top talent Noah “Noahreyli” Rey. On paper, this team could perform well, but Mongraal learned of ill intentions from his new teammates and fired back accordingly.
Mongraal Responds to Trash Talk & Slander
A clip leaked of aqua telling two others he had no intentions of playing with Mongraal because “he’s s***.” This comment prompted an initial response from Mongraal, where he vaguely referenced the situation.
“That video perfectly describes the community. ITS ALWAYS behind your back in a friend group, NEVER to you directly in call,” he said. “I havent been in a friend group for over 3 months because its all the same s***. ‘Delete clips turn of stream’ of course.”
Fans of Mongraal and those with knowledge of the situation knew what he was referencing. The FaZe Clan player posted a Twitlonger about the competitive scene and his performance over the last few seasons to take it one step further.
“I’ve been playing this game for 4 years now, I’m telling you I know the current skill ceiling with the top pros @ the present. The last 3 seasons I wasn’t in the top percentile for skill, I’m not oblivious to that fact.”
Mongraal has not earned a marquee victory since winning the FNCS in Chapter 2 – Season 4. However, he’s been working hard on his game to reach the level of a tier-one professional player. Mongraal says it’s challenging to find and stick with a top trio because he becomes a target after bad performances.
“The problem is when playing with tier 1 players, if it doesn’t work they go into a discord filled with 95% of tier 1 pros and slander, slander, slander me even if they know themselves in reality its nothing like they say. The result of this is me not being able to find a tier 1 trio because all the pros get brainwashed into thinking I’m complete s*** after being told over and over again.”
He explains how that scenario played out when he agreed to play with aqua and noahreyli. Mongraal found that aqua never wanted to team with him and that it was all a waste of time.
“The other reason I was angry is because I found out the whole time aqua didn’t want to play with me at all, and I’m sure he knew the fact he could make noah choose between me +1 or aqua and vadeal again. Obviously noah is going to choose the old trio, so I wasted my time for nothing.”
Mongraal continued his statement, saying that he would play competitive Fortnite for zero earnings. He competes because his fans support and believe in his abilities. The 17-year-old urged his followers not to send hate toward aqua, saying, “Don’t send hate to aqua or anything like that. This is between me and him.” Aqua became a target for hate and death threats following the Mongraal controversy.
Mongraal’s Competitive Future
It’s unclear where Mongraal goes from here. The competitive season is still a few weeks away, so he has some time to find a pair of players he can improve and win alongside. However, it could be challenging since many players have already found their trio.
He’s taken the high road and hopes to find his way back to the top again. It’s worth noting that many players encounter these same hardships, but no one can deny that Mongraal is one of the best of all time. This storyline is just one of many to keep an eye out for in Chapter 2 – Season 8.
Featured Image: FaZe Clan