Fortnite: PC Aim Assist Changes Coming Next Week

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Fortnite: PC Aim Assist Changes Coming Next Week

Aim assist adjustments for Fortnite on PC are coming next weekend amidst the recent communal complaints.

Epic Games has finally answered the prayers of Fortnite keyboard and mouse players the world over. In next week’s patch, aim assist changes will roll out for Fortnite on PC. The Fortnite developers released a small tidbit of information in a recent email to select Fortnite creators. Epic are hoping to resolve an issue that is many months in the making.

The Epic Games email

A screenshot of the email from Epic Games explaining the aim assist investigation is continuing

An email from Epic Games surfaced late last night detailing the upcoming changes in patch v12.50. Most of the email included minor changes, but the last piece of information proved most crucial.

“Controller tweaking, tuning, and investigation continues. We have some changes for next steps, but we don’t want to release before the FNCS Invitational Finals.”

Competitive players will only have to endure one more weekend of the undoubtedly powerful aim assist in Fortnite. The announcement does not precisely provide much detail on the changes. However, at the very least, Epic Games is trying to resolve a significant issue in the current state of Fortnite.

The FNCS Invitational debacle

Earlier this week, ESTNN covered a story that swept across the entire Fortnite community. Turner “Tfue” Tenney, Tyler “Ninja” Blevins and many others started campaigning against aim assist for controller players on PC.

Week two of Fortnite’s FNCS Invitational strengthened the fears of keyboard and mouse players around the world.

The NA East leg of the competition featured a multitude of controller players in the top 15. Four of the top five players on the final cumulative scoreboard use controllers. At this point, many felt that Fortnite leans too heavily in favor of aim assist. It’s challenging for some of the best keyboard and mouse players to compete.  The aim assist dominance discussion took center stage, prompting even Tfue to take a break from Fortnite in favor of Call of Duty: Warzone.

What changed and what will change?

Epic Games rarely keeps players in the know on what changes they are planning. Outside of their Trello board, adjustments to the game are often not made public. It’s worth wondering what exactly prompted this response from the Fortnite developers.

Tfue breaking from Fortnite may have been the last straw. His decision speaks to his frustration with the game. Aim assist continued to be a problem even after the removal of Legacy settings a few months back. Linear quickly became the new issue in the aim assist discussion. It’s almost impossible for linear players to miss close shots on 240hz.

There is no shortage of suggestions around the Internet to balance aim assist. It may not happen overnight, but at least Epic Games is addressing the issue. Week two FNCS Invitational hopefully taught the developers a lesson. Let’s hope that, pending next week's patch, aim assist will be more palatable as we move toward a new season of Fortnite.

Stay tuned to ESTNN for more information on this developing story.

Featured Image: Epic Games

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Matt Pryor
Matt is a graduate of Southern New Hampshire University. He appreciates all esports titles but primarily focuses on Fortnite and Call of Duty. Matt continuously analyzes gameplay and plays the games himself to better understand in-game decisions by the best players in the world.