Fortnite Bownanza Week: Bows Return with Quests for XP

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Fortnite Bownanza Week: Bows Return with Quests for XP

Epic Games rolled out Fortnite's latest hotfix this morning, bringing Bows back into the game. We have all the information you need regarding Bownanza Week.

Fortnite developers introduced Bows in Chapter 2 Season 6: Primal. This season thrust players back to the proverbial Stone Age, where crafting became a featured mechanic in the game. Players could use a standard Primal or Mechanical Bow and craft Flame Bows, Stink Bows, Explosive Bows and Shockwave Bows. 

These weapons were one of the highlights of Chapter 2 Season 6; now, they have returned for a limited run. From now until March 1 at 9 AM, Fortnite players can utilize the classic weapons to rack up eliminations and earn Victory Royales. 

How to Find Bows in Chapter 3 Season 1

Bownanza Week is now live in-game for only one week per Epic's blog post. Thankfully, you don't have to craft the specialty Bows like in Chapter 2 Season 6. You can find various Bows in Chests and on the ground across the current season's landscape. If you're a fan of this weapon, now is the time for you to use them before they leave Fortnite again. 

This themed week in Chapter 3 Season 1 resembles Epic's “Wild Week” gimmick in May of 2021. During Wild Weeks, the developers would unvault items based on themes for one week before switching to the next. According to the blog post, Epic plans to do the same this time around. 

Bownanza Week Quests

Bownanza Week also features a list of Quests that players can complete. Completing all six challenges will earn you 8,000 XP each, or 48,000 in total. That should give you a few extra levels and bring you closer to finishing the Battle Pass if you haven't yet.

Here's a list of those challenges:

  • Fire a fully drawn Primal Flame Bow to ignite an area with fire – 0/7 (8,000 XP)
  • Fire a fully drawn Mechanical Shockwave Bow to impulse targets – 0/2 (8,000 XP)
  • Fire a fully drawn Primal Stink Bow to engulf an area with poison gas – 0/250 (8,000 XP)
  • Fire a fully drawn Mechanical Explosive Bow to blast an area with explosives – 0/3 (8,000 XP)
  • Hunt Wildlife using a Bow – 0/3 (8,000 XP)
  • Damage opponents with a Bow – 0/250 (8,000 XP)

Epic has not informed players of the following weekly theme. We can expect more information a week from today or perhaps earlier, depending on the number of leaks that surface via Twitter. Weekly themed events make Fortnite more enjoyable and keep each season fresh. Also, it's likely a chance for Epic to gauge interest in certain weapons before bringing them back in future seasons. So, make sure you drop into Fortnite today to see how Bows fit into Chapter 3 Season 1.

We'll be sure to keep you updated with all the latest Fortnite news.

Featured Image: Epic Games

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Matt Pryor
Matt is a graduate of Southern New Hampshire University. He appreciates all esports titles but primarily focuses on Fortnite and Call of Duty. Matt continuously analyzes gameplay and plays the games himself to better understand in-game decisions by the best players in the world.