FFXIV Letter from the Producer LIVE 80 Announced
| Tags: FFXIV
| Author Timo Reinecke

The next Letter from the Producer LIVE has been announced. Learn everything you need to know about the upcoming PLL as more info around Dawntrail emerges.
Just last week, we got the release date for Final Fantasy XIV's next expansion Dawntrail. Planning to release in June/July depending on if you're participating in the Early Access period.
But there is still a lot more ground to cover. At the PAX East presentation, director and producer Naoki Yoshida hinted at all sorts of things. Expanded content, revamped combat, and things to come they haven't told us about.
The next PLL will be exclusively about the graphics update with an in-depth presentation about its many details.

FFXIV Letter from the Producer LIVE 80 Announced
Let's get into how to watch first. As always, you'll be able to watch the entire PLL Live for free on FFXIV's social channels. Just check out their official Twitch, YouTube, or NicoNico accounts.
The Live Letter will take place on Friday/Saturday, April 12/13, 2024 at 9:00 PM (PDT) (Friday) / 4:00 AM (GMT) / 5:00 AM (BST) / 1:00 PM JST / 2:00 PM AEST.
*Please note all these times are still subject to change so keep an eye on the Loadstone and FFXIV Social Media.
The presentation will be in Japanese only, all the slides will feature English text though. We'll of course have a full breakdown of the PLL soon after it wraps.

FFXIV PLE 80 Content
The next Letter from the Producer Live will be part of the 10th Anniversary Celebration stream which will go on for an agonizing 14 hours.
The Livestream will mainly concern itself with the end of the 10-year anniversary of Final Fantasy XIV. Naoki Yoshida already confirmed that gameplay footage will have to wait until the media tour in May, and this PLL will mostly be about the upcoming graphics update.
Here they'll show off in great detail all the changes coming to FFXIV's looks. Updated models, updated lighting systems, and a bunch more we'll surely get into. And while we don't expect the Benchmark to drop then in there who knows?
Outside of that, expect the usual amount of shenanigans. We'll have a complete summary of the Live Letter up as soon as it wraps.
For more on the critically acclaimed MMORPG, make sure to check to check out other coverage. Here you can find the latest news on the Dawntrail Expansion and guides for literally everything right here on ESTNN.