FFXIV 6.55 Patch Notes Highlights – Quests, Trials and More
| Tags: FFXIV
| Author Timo Reinecke

Here are our FFXIV 6.55 Patch Notes Highlights. Learn everything there is to know about the latest and last content Patch of Endwalker.
After 2 long years, Final Fantasy XIV's Endwalker expansion comes to an end. 6.55 will be the second part of the Growing Light Patch and the last major content update to the critically acclaimed MMORPG until the release of Dawntrail later this year.
We've seen the patch notes and we're going to give you a quick rundown of everything you need to know about the final chapter of Endwalker.
FFXIV 6.55 Patch Notes Highlights
First, we get the conclusion to Glowing Light which was teased at the end of the 6.5 story. This 2-hour long stretch of the Main Quest Scenario will give us an intro into the upcoming Dawntrail expansion where we meet some of the new members of the cast.
You'll be able to pick this one up once you've finished the Glowing Light quest from the previous patch.
Final Chapter of Tataru's Grand Endeavor
This patch also introduces the final stretch of Tataru's Grand Endeavor storyline which aimed to wrap up sidequestlines from previous expansions. Completing these will net you some unique rewards and heartwarming conclusions for some beloved characters.
Somehow Even Further Hildebrand Adventures' Finale
We also witness the final stretch of the adventures of Eorzea's most famous detective. This will wrap up Hildebrand's adventures in Endwalker and potentially lead us into what he and Nashu will be up to in Dawntrail.
This Finale of his adventures also comes with a special trial, the Guilded Araya which will be part of the quest. You'll unlock the final leg of the Relict Weapons through this. After completing all the Hilibrand quests, you can head on over to Godbrand who'll help you create these weapons of mass destruction.
Relict Weapons
As previously mentioned, this patch will also include the final step of the Relict Weapons. Here you can improve your Manderville Weapons to their fullest potential which makes them the most powerful weapons available for the final stretch of the 6.x Patch Series. You only need to be all caught up with the Hildebrand questline to gain access to these quests.

Tribe Quest Conclusion
As is tradition for the final patch of the Expansion, aside from the fact that we didn't get one in Shadowbringers, there is a conclusion to all the Tribal Quests. Once you've reached Bloodsworn with the Lopporits, Omicrons, and Arkasodara you can head to Ultima Thule's Last Dregs to accept the final Quest to see all these colorful characters come together one last time.

New Trial: The Guilded Araya
This will be the final piece of battle content to come to FFXIV Endwalker. There'll only be a normal mode difficulty available for this trail so don't expect this to be another grind for equipment. Here you'll go up against Asura in Thavnair as part of the Hildebrand Questline. We'll have a full guide on this trail soon.
There is also a slew of smaller changes and additions to the game. Namely an adjustment to the PvP balance, with the new map PvP season being planned for a later patch, possibly in a few weeks. As well as some major changes to Frontlines.
We're also seeing a bunch of new housing items that can either be crafted for purchase at the Gold Saucer as well as a couple of new cosmetics, emotes, and mounts available as quest rewards.
Road to Dawntrail
Just because this is the last major content update to FFXIV Endwalker, that doesn't mean Square Enix is done with their MMORPG until the release of the next expansion. Later on January 22, we'll see the return of the FFXI Collaboration Event The Maiden's Rhapsody which has some ties to the upcoming Alliance Raid: Echoes of Vana'diel.
Director and Producer Naoki Yoshida has also promised the return of previous collaboration events, so look forward to the Yokai Watch and Final Fantasy XV events in the lead-up to Dawntrail.
We also have the Xbox version of FFXIV which will start Beta testing in the next few months, with a full release planned before the release of the next expansion.
Finally, there is also the looming spectre of the Final Fantasy XVI collaboration Event which will see the Warrior of Light teaming up with FFXVI protagonist Clive Rosfield. The Event is currently scheduled for Apil but we'll keep you posted should any more information become available.
That sums up everything you need to know about the new FFXIV Patch, for more on the critically acclaimed MMORPG check out our coverage of the Dawntrail Expansion so far as well as the myriad of guides and content we have in our dedicated section already.