Escape from Tarkov Twitch Drops 2023
| Tags: Escape From Tarkov, General
| Author Timo Reinecke

New Wipe, New Map, New Patch, and New Drops. Escape from Tarkov 0.13 just launched; here is all the info about the Twitch Drops!
Escape from Tarkov Twitch Drops!
With a new major patch and a fresh wipe for progression, you now have the chance to watch your favorite Escape from Tarkov streamers die in all sorts of horrible ways while getting a little boost to your stash. The event will be held from December 29, 2022, 16:00 MSK, to January 8, 2023, 16:00 MSK.
This time around, Battlestate Games is also going to live stream its own stacked program ranging from interviews with members of the community, news on the latest updates coming to Escape from Tarkov, and gameplay sessions with the developers. You can find the full schedule in the graphic below and a link to their twitch account here.
How to Participate
If you want to participate in the event, you simply have to own Escape from Tarkov and link your account to your twitch account. If you don't own Escape from Tarkov yet, the game and options to upgrade your version are also on a -25% discount for the remainder of the event. You can find options to purchase Escape from Tarkov here.
In order to be eligible for twitch drops and the special gifts from the Battlestate Games streams, make sure to link your personal twitch account to your Escape from Tarkov account here.
You can win various gifts just by watching the scheduled Battlestate Games streams as listed above. Those gifts will probably range from promotional codes in Escape from Tarkov that usually come with all kinds of in-game items all the way to swag from their official merch store. Instructions on how to exactly participate in the events will be available on stream.
As for the twitch drops, however, everyone streaming in the Escape from Tarkov section on twitch on December 29, January 7, and January 8 will have drops enabled, so make sure to give some of the smaller streamers some love.
As for the dates between, every streamer is able to get drops enabled on their stream for 12 hours up to six times over the coming days. You can find a list of all the streamers participating in the event and their timeslots here and you can also find instructions if you want to participate in the event as a content creator as well.
For more news all around Escape from Tarkov check out the important bits of the most recent patch notes here, and for anything else, gaming and esports make sure to visit us here on ESTNN.