Full Details of Doctor Who X Fortnite Crossover Leak

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Full Details of Doctor Who X Fortnite Crossover Leak

We've got full leaks of everything coming with the Doctor Who x Fortnite crossover!


Doctor Who X Fortnite Leaks – Full Skins and Crossover Details

After getting initial whispers back in 2022, we’ve got our first look at a huge new collab coming to Fortnite. The Doctor Who X Fortnite crossover has leaked. Not just a bit of it. Not the idea, or a skin. We’ve got huge leaks that have detailed basically everything that we’re getting and even what a potential wave 2 might look like.

This is what’s leaked for the Fortnite X Doctor Who crossover and what’s coming to the game when it hits.

What’s in the Doctor Who X Fortnite Crossover Leaks?

The Doctor Who X Fortnite crossover is going to combine Fortnite with the long-running British sci-fi show. It’ll be bringing some new skins to the item shop like with most crossovers. Kind of like the bigger collabs we’ve had though, there’s going to be a much larger batch of content than just a tab for the in-game store.

Skins for Doctor Who X Fortnite

Doctor Who X Fortnite

The first and most fun part of the crossover is going to be the actual characters. We’re getting skins of two different Doctors in the initial wave. These aren’t the biggest surprises in who they’ve picked. Epic has gone for the upcoming 15th Doctor as played by Ncuti Gatwa. The second skin takes the form of the most popular Doctor at the moment, kind of.

It’s going to be a skin of the new Doctor that’s appearing in specials over November 2023, played by David Tennant. Obviously there’s a pretty sizeable resemblance to the Tenth Doctor by played by David Tennant, but for some reason the BBC have chosen to call him the 14th (and 10th) Doctor, and Epic is going with that! The Fortnite X Doctor Who Crossover will feature the two most recent doctors. They each have a harvesting tool, one is a Dalek plunger, and the other a Sonic Screwdriver.


The Rewards Tracker

Alongside the Item Shop skins for Fortnite X Doctor Who, we’re getting a full event in-game. This is coming with a free rewards tracker. They’ll be quests that players can go through to get to each tier, with a free cosmetic reward after each level! This is on the same level as the Dragon Ball X Fortnite crossover that originally launched with free unlockables.

They’ll also be a Creative experience, but we don’t know too much about that just yet. The free cosmetics will be centered around content in the November specials of Doctor Who. They include a TARDIS emote and a spray of Beep the Meep

In-Game Changes

Alongside the Fortnite X Doctor Who skins that have leaked, we’re getting some in-game things with the crossover too. There will be two POIs based around the UNIT military group for Doctor Who. Alongside that a special UNIT gun will be added into the game. If you’re not a fun of Doctor Who, these are a military group often involved with alien invasions. You probably won’t see acronym explained in the crossover either, after legal action from the United Nations.

The POI and in-game items are definitely on the bigger side for crossovers. We’ll have to wait to see how long these new POIs last in-game though. Everything is liable to change and these are basically still leaks at the moment. Although, they have come from one of the most reliable leakers.

Doctor Who X Fortnite

When’s It Coming?

The next big part of the Doctor Who X Fortnite leak is that it’s coming pretty soon! This one wasn’t the most unexpected, players could probably have guessed the release window from what the crossover is promoting.

This is expected to hit the game around November. Doctor Who will be returning to TV screens for a number of 60th Anniversary specials around this time, so it makes perfect sense for the crossover to hit at some point over these weeks.

Potential Wave 2 For Doctor Who X Fortnite

One interesting piece of the leaks is that there’s already a codename of a second wave if the first performs well enough. This might be a bit surprising. Doctor Who is a more niche British show. While beloved in the UK and a cult hit elsewhere, it isn’t quite on the same level as the franchises that Epic pushes for multiple waves to an entirely international audience. However, if it performs well a second Doctor Who X Fortnite crossover will be coming.

The second wave is codenamed Drums. This likely is a reference to one of Doctor’s most iconic enemies, the Master. An incarnation of the evil Time Lord played by John Simm had an entire drums motif. The character has appeared a few times and would be a good pick for a human skin to come to Fortnite compared to most Doctor Who monsters.

The second wave for the Fortnite X Doctor crossover is going to depend on how well the first does. It might be useful to keep in mind that Disney has gotten involved with the show though. Starting with these November specials, the media giant will be co-producing and releasing the series internationally. Rarely does a season goes by without Epic promoting something from Disney, and the studio uses Epic’s technology in filmmaking now. With the change in production, a more niche British franchise getting pushed in multiple Fortnite waves makes a bit more sense!

Original Fortnite X Doctor Who Crossover Leak in 2022

Fortnite’s mid-way through a pretty fun Season, but we’ve just gotten leaks for the latest crossover coming to the game. The latest collab might have just been teased. We’ve gotten our first glimpse at a potential Doctor Who x Fortnite crossover. According to numerous reliable leakers, characters and more from Doctor Who might be hitting the game pretty soon.

Fortnite is no stranger to crossovers, from its anime characters to the never-ending stream of Marvel skins. Doctor Who x Fortnite would be the latest in quite a line. However, it would be a bit of a first for Fortnite. While the game has crossed over with plenty of sci-fi franchises before like Dune and Star Wars, Doctor Who is a bit more niche. This is what we know so far about the Doctor Who x Fortnite crossover. What might be coming with the crossover, and when to expect it:

Doctor Who x Fortnite Leaks

Prominent Fortnite leakers have begun teasing a potential Doctor Who x Fortnite crossover. This would a promotional event in-game where cosmetics are offered that bring characters from Doctor Who into the world of Fortnite. Although, the scope can vary. Crossovers can be a creative map. Through to exclusive content and items taking over the island for weeks.

The Doctor Who x Fortnite leaks so far don’t make too clear what it is going to be. However, we have good reason to think it’s coming.

A couple of prominent leakers and dataminers have confirmed the same thing. This includes FNBRintel and ShiinaBR


Both of these two accounts are fairly reliable when it comes to leaks. While they’ve had some missteps, they’ve also consistently known of upcoming content and crossovers before Epic makes it public. Whether that’s through leaks themselves or datamining. It does look like a full crossover is coming soon too, rather than something minor.



The collaboration is supposed to be a full crossover. This means there will likely be skins available in the game. Alongside other cosmetics. If we’re looking at what could be coming in the Fortnite x doctor Who crossover, there are some skins that have a pretty solid chance of being included.

What to Expect from Doctor Who x Fortnite Leaks

If we’re getting cosmetics in the crossover, there are a lot of choices. Doctor Who is over 60 years old and has more characters than you could ever include in a video game crossover. Although, outside of the UK, the franchise isn’t as widely popular. At least compared to some of Fortnite’s other crossovers. This will probably mean the crossover has to be a bit more limited.

The lead character, the Doctor, is the safest pick for the skin. Although, outside of that character, there are no other permanent members of the cast. Even the Doctor changes.

Doctor Who x Fortnite

There have been 14 different incarnations, each with different looks. There’s one more coming soon. Even more, Doctors are out there if we count more minor ones. While big fans probably would, a lot of Fortnite players might be a bit confused if Colin Baker if the main skin that comes is 80s Colin Baker in a rainbow coat. Instead, we’re likely to see the most famous faces make an appearance.

Skins in Doctor Who x Fortnite crossover

There are two main skins we can probably expect from the crossover—the 10th Doctor, played by David Tennant, and the current Doctor. The 10th has become the most popular. In the past, this would have been Tom Baker’s iconic scarf-wearing incarnation. But things move on.

We can probably also assume the current Doctor is going to be represented in the crossover. The Doctor Who x Fortnite crossover wouldn’t be perfect for promotion otherwise. Even that isn’t quite simple, though.

Doctor Who x Fortnite

The current version of the Doctor, Jodie Whittaker, is exiting the show in just a couple of episodes. The next Doctor proper will be played by Ncuti Gatwa, but before he starts off, there will be a limited run of specials featuring David Tennant’ returning to the role. Which current Doctor will be part of this promotion is probably down to when the crossover launches.

If it’s before November, Jodie Whittaker’s version of the Doctor is the current one. However, the crossover doesn’t look likely this month. Any later and we might be looking at a wildcard. A new Doctor is coming after that, which might be the star of this crossover. There’s also the possibility that Epic will push the boat out and offer all versions of the Doctor. Although, licensing the rights for actors who passed away such a long time ago for a Fortnite skin might be difficult.

Potential Gliders and Other Features

Outside of the Doctor, we can probably assume the TARDIS will make an appearance in one form or another. Likely as a glider for any skins added!

Doctor Who has plenty of iconic enemies who would slot right into gameplay on the island. Daleks and Cybermen could both make great fits for NPCs in creative maps or the game proper. Although, all of that depends on just how big this crossover is.

Doctor Who’s titular character usually opting to avoid violence; there isn’t much to choose from as there was with Dragon Ball.

When is the Doctor Who x Fortnite Promotion?

Given the timing of the leaks, we can expect it to be a few months before we get more solid details on the Doctor Who x Fortnite collab. New episodes of the show aren’t expected after October until late 2023. This means we can probably rule it out for a while.

As we get closer to the event. We’re sure we’ll start to see more teases and details for what’s coming next in the Doctor Who x Fortnite crossover. We may hear more about the event after the Winter Wonderland event starts in earnest later this year. It could take a while, especially since this will be a complete crossover, not just the creative map that’s been featured before.

Leakers have specifically called out that this is in early development. This would line up with the crossover coming for the next Doctor. That starts up in November. Although, fans will have to wait and see how the crossover develops as we get closer to its release.

Full Details of Doctor Who X Fortnite Crossover Leak
Jordan Ashley
Ashley is a dedicated Fortnite player, in hour 3,000 of trying to finish above 90th.