Worlds 2022 Knockout Stage: T1 vs RNG Recap

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Worlds 2022 Knockout Stage: T1 vs RNG Recap

The second Knockouts game saw the old guard champions,T1 vs RNG, the Unkillable Demon King, in a legendary “MSI rematch”. These iconic legends entered the Worlds stage for Day 2 of Quarterfinals, and T1 took a vengeful 3-0 win.

T1 vs RNG (Game 1)

The unexpected Heimerdinger support pick by Keria was followed by smart AD carry picks from both sides. T1 invaded RNG's Red buff on 1:30, and this early blitz was confident despite small mishaps. Oner's confident control over the LPL's jungle gave them a fine gold lead, while Wei was quick to secure their Blue buff in return. T1's forced play to steal a half-health Herald cost them dearly, giving up 3 kills to Wei and Xiaohu in the first 10 minutes. Despite the mid game kill score in RNG's favor, T1 slowly took over the map and crashed the second Herald towards the top side's inhibitor turret. With far better vision over the map, T1 demonstrated better macro play and avoided any team fight disadvantages.

Experience from MSI 2022 showed as T1 opted to play carefully around the enemy Viego. The Korean team had a lot to lose if they didn't get first Baron, resulting in an incredibly close fight that continued 25 minutes in when the pace slowed. Both teams played respectfully, treating Baron as the key to victory. But Zeus' calculated sacrifice in bot jungle paid dividends as the LCK reps secured the buff, and, eventually the game. T1 knew that Royal would focus on Faker, so Oner and Zeus answered back.

  • Teams: T1 1 – 0 RNG
  • Time: 38:09
  • Kills: 15 – 10
  • Turrets: 11 – 1
  • Gold: 76.1k – 63.6k
  • Dragons: 3 – 2
  • Barons: 1 – 0

T1 vs RNG (Game 2)

T1 spectacularly turned the second game around when it seemed certain that RNG would win. Zeus' mastery on Jace and Gala's iconic Kai'sa promised an interesting match. Add Gumayusi's Xayah on top of that, and the whole draft was a 2019 meta throwback. Wei's early-game hostility as Sejuani earned RNG first blood and a big early-game lead. The LPL's risky play paid off beautifully when T1 had to burn 2 flashes in just under 5 minutes. T1's frustration was palpable as their opponent secured a big lead from midgame team fights. RNG's Nautilus/Sejuani tank combo just facilitated too many good plays. But despite their mid lane inhibitor getting exposed, a stolen Baron by T1 made RNG back off even with a 9-3 kill lead. Careful plays spearheaded by Faker led to a largely successful clash that gave T1 Elder Soul and the second Baron. This breath of fresh air for T1 absolutely swept RNG off their feet. The LCK team's outstanding comeback was met with thunderous applause, proving that confidence to move forward despite the odds can flip any situation.

  • Teams: RNG 0 – 2 T1
  • Time: 42:00
  • Kills: 14 – 13
  • Turrets: 10 – 3
  • Gold: 76.1k – 79.6k
  • Dragons: 4 – 2
  • Barons: 0 – 2

T1 vs RNG (Game 3)

Strong top-side picks made game 3 an absolute brawl that was nowhere near close. Faker prevented RNG from taking first blood by blast coning to the bottom tier 3 for a self-execute, and the rest of the game became an exhilarating back and forth. Tit for tat, and absolute haymakers left and right. Even though T1 took a clear lead in the mid game, neither team took their foot off the gas. Keria's Tahm Kench ensured that Faker could never die in the team engagements as Gumayusi halted enemy advances with Varus' cc. By midgame, LPL's second seed couldn't do anything to contest the objectives with this much enemy control. Faker's team ran it down mid and scored an stylish ace under RNG's tier two and decided the game. RNG got slaughtered in their own base and went out to the sounds of loud cheers for the triumphant T1. This was a historical win that will see T1 go up against a second LPL team for the first time: JD Gaming.

  • Teams: T1 3 – 0 RNG
  • Time: 26:32
  • Kills: 11 – 27
  • Turrets: 1 – 9
  • Gold: 42.7k – 55.6k
  • Dragons: 1 – 2
  • Barons: 0 – 1

Worlds 2022 Knockout Stage Schedule

Quarterfinals, October 20-23

  • October 22, 4 PM CST (11 PM CET)
    • DWG KIA vs Gen.G
  • October 23, 4 PM CST (11 PM CET)
    • EDward Gaming vs DRX


  • October 29, 4 PM CST (11 PM CET)
    • TBD vs TBD
  • October 30, 4 PM CST (11 PM CET)
    • TBD vs TBD


  • November 5, 7 PM CST (1 AM CET*)
    • TBD vs TBD

*Indicates next day.

For our coverage of Worlds 2022 and more, follow us on ESTNN.

Image credit: Riot Games

Worlds 2022 Knockout Stage: T1 vs RNG Recap
Paul Goño
Paul started writing for ESTNN in 2022, the same year he beat his first Souls game. An avid fan of RPGs, his all-time favorites include Baldur's Gate 3, Assassin’s Creed and Kingdom Hearts 2. Besides being a professional nerd, he still struggles to get over the broken PS2 memory card that stored years of his save files.