Where to Get Sand in Enshrouded

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Where to Get Sand in Enshrouded

Do you want to know where to get Sand in Enshrouded? This is the right place for you. In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about it, as it is a type of resource that can only be found in a particular area of the map and therefore it is not possible to find it in abundance, like Metal Scraps for example. Furthermore, there are some requirements that you will have to meet in order to enter this area and explore it. Let's see together what it is.

Where to Get Sand in Enshrouded

The first thing to know is that Sand can only be found in the Kindlewastes, which is the last biome you can explore in Enshrouded. However, you will not be able to access this area until you have upgraded the Flame Altar to level 4. In fact, if you do not do so, the passage through this region will be blocked by a Shroud area. The most “difficult” part is actually having access to the area because, once you have done so, the sand will be present in several places and you should have no problems finding it, as long as you always find yourself in this biome.

Although there are ways to reach this biome prematurely (by climbing certain points, for example), we strongly advise you against doing so because the enemies in that area are very powerful and will have the ability to kill you in a single shot. Consequently, we advise you to proceed calmly and gain access to the biome simply by continuing through the story. On the other hand, you won't need this resource at the beginning of the game.

Once you have completed all the missions that are present in the other biomes in Enshrouded, you will be ready to reach the Kindlewastes. Be very careful in this area, because, as we said previously, it is inhabited by dangerous creatures that are capable of putting you in trouble if you are not prepared. Fortunately, you will have several locations available from which to draw in order to take this resource, so you can choose those with fewer hostile characters.

But what is the Sand in Enshrouded for? In reality, it has a more decorative use. In fact, thanks to this resource, you will be able to build glass windows, for example, which will make your homes more aesthetically pleasing. Furthermore, there are also some recipes that you can get from the Alchemist, the Carpenter, and the Blacksmith that require this resource to be crafted. As a result, we can say that it is not one of the most useful resources that are present in the game, but it is still useful to know how to get it in case you need it.

Where to Get Sand in Enshrouded

Where to Get Sand in Enshrouded
Diana D'Estefano
Diana has been a huge fan of video games since she was a child. She started her "career" with Nintendo and then moved on to other platforms as well. Although she is a big fan of horror games, she plays almost all genres fearlessly. She writes news, reviews, guides, and features about both AAA and indie games.