Warhammer 40k Darktide Comes Back to Tabletop
| Tags: Warhammer
| Author David Hollingsworth
Warhammer 40k Darktide is coming full circle as it returns to the tabletop in a new standalone game.
It's a weird journey for Darktide. From a video game based on the popular 40k tabletop game to heading back to the tabletop in its own standalone game.
Warhammer 40k Darktide The Miniatures Game will pit 1 to 4 players against hoards of the unwashed chaos. This new fast-paced game will see players take on the roles of up to four of the iconic characters from the Darktide video game.
Warhammer 40k Darktide Tabletop
Players will take on the role of the four characters shown above and battle against enemies from the game. Standing against you are Traitor Guardsmen of the Moebian 6th regiment. Equipt with lasguns and bayonets, alongside specialist weapons such as flameflowers and grenade launchers. These Traitor Guardsmen will also have Poxwalkers on their side, infesting the city walls with their stink.
What's in the (Darktide Tabletop) box
The box contains 20 miniatures in total; the four titular “heroes” and 16 baddies. The box also includes the rulebook to play the game, dice, tokens, and data cards for each of the characters in the box. The set is designed for new players to get into the hobby.
Games Workshop frame it as a good way to get players used to its popular Skirmish game Kill Team, so we'd expect possible rules later for this Darkside Kill Team, though they might need some backup.