Warhammer 40k Chaos Space Marine Datasheets are Here, and They Look Terrifying
| Tags: Warhammer
| Author Bence Loksa

Warhammer 40k Chaos Space Marine Datasheets were revealed today, so let’s take a look at the Stratagems, the Enhancements, and some of the most interesting cards!
Last week, Games Workshop started the release of 10th Edition with the rules of the models of the Leviathan Box, then the complete Tyranid and Space Marine Datasheets. Yesterday, they released the cards for all of the non-compliant Space Marine Chapters, such as the Black Templars and the Dark Angels. But now, it’s time for the bad guys to be revealed, as Games Workshop has released all the Datasheets for the Chaos Factions! There are a lot to cover, but first, let’s take a look at the most interesting parts of the Chaos Space Marine Datasheets!
The best of the Warhammer 40k Chaos Space Marine Datasheets
The Detachment Rule of the Warhammer 40k Chaos Space Marine Datasheets
While we already saw the Army Rule of the Chaos Space Marines in the Faction Focus, the Detachment Rule was conveniently left out – but it couldn’t remain hidden forever. Marks of Chaos, the Detachment Rule of the Slaves to Darkness let’s you choose blessings for your units depending on the Chaos God they serve:
- The Blessing of Khorne is Blood Fury, which gives Critical Hit 5+ in melee to units which received the Lethal Hits buff from Dark Pact,
- The Blessing of Tzeentch called Warpfire also need the Lethal Hits buff from Dark Pact, but it gives Critical Hits 5+ in Shooting,
- The Blessing of Nurgle is Spreading Sickness, which gives Critical Hits 5+ in shooting if you choose the Sustained Hits 1 from Dark Pact,
- And you might’ve figured it out that Excessive Cruelty, Slaanesh’s Blessing gives Critical Hits 5+ in melee to those who have been buffed by the Dark Pact if they choose Sustained Hits 1,
- There’s a Chaos Undivided buff as well, which let’s units reroll a Hit roll of 1 – but this doesn’t require the Dark Pact buff to be active, which makes it an all-rounder.
The Stratagems of the Warhammer 40k Chaos Space Marine Datasheets
The Chaos Space Marines also received some interesting Stratagems to help them fight the Servants of the False Emperor. These are not tied to any of the 4 major Chaos Gods, so you don’t need to pay attention when choosing your buffs for your units – but some of them give benefits to servants of specific deities:
- Infernal Rites is the Armour of Contempt of the Chaos Space Marines, worsening the AP of an enemy unit until the end of the given Phase for 2 CP,
- Eternal Hate, which brings back models which died in the Fight phase on a 4+ (or a 3+ if they are servants of Khorne) to hit back before dying for 1 CP,
- Profane Zeal lets a Heretic Astartes unit reroll a Hit and Wound roll of 1 – or the entire Hit and Wound rolls if they are buffed by Chaos Undivided for 1 CP,
- Skinshift is a 1 CP Stratagem which heals a unit for 3 – and brings back a model at full Wounds if the target unit was a Tzeentch unit,
- Dark Obscuration gives Stealth to a unit for 1 CP, or the Lone Operative ability if they are servants of Nurgle,
- While the Unnatural Swiftness also costs 1 CP, and it lets a unit shoot and charge after Falling Back, and even Advancing if they are a Slaanesh unit.
All of the Stratagems are useful, but some of them do get enhanced by targeting the right units. So far, it seems like a full Slaanesh or Khorne CSM army can be fun, but it’s best to use at least two of the buffs – or even four if you can fit it all into a list.
Enhancements of the Warhammer 40k Chaos Space Marine Datasheets
The Chaos Space Marines are a collective name for all the Heretic Astartes that didn’t receive a Codex and separate treatment – but in exchange, they did get some great buffs, and 5 Enhancements instead of the 4 we saw in the other reveals so far:
- Talisman of Burning Blood can only be wielded by a Khorne worshipper, but grants +1 Attack and Strength to the wielder, while also granting the unit it leads D3 Attacks and Strength if they make a Dark Pact,
- Eye of Tzeentch lets a Heretic Astartes Tzeentch model farm 1 CP by taking a Leadership test each time they make a Dark Pact,
- Orbs of Unlife deals D3 Mortal Wounds within 6” of the Wielder at the end of the Fight Phase on a 4+, or a 3+ if they made a Dark Pact, but can only be wielded by a Nurgle devotee,
- Intoxicating Elixir is for the followers of Slaanesh, and grants them a 5+ Feel No Pain, also forcing Battle-shock tests on targets of the wielder if the made a Dark Pact,
- Liber Hereticus is for the Heretic Astartes Chaos Undivided models, which give them both of the Dark Pact benefits, so Lethal Hits and Sustained Hits 1 for their whole unit.
The Enhancements lean a bit more into the different Chaos Gods that can be followed by your Chaos Space Marines, but they are still useful even on other units. However, you can get the best out of them by pairing them up with the right gods – as if you do, you’ll be greatly rewarded…
The best datasheets of the Warhammer 40k Chaos Space Marine Datasheets
While we saw the datasheets of Abaddon the Despoiler, there are some other Epic Heroes that the Chaos Space Marines can muster before battle. While he serves no one, Fabius Bile can join the fray if it helps him in the pursuit of knowledge. While his stats are not particularly strong, he can join a squad of Legionaries or Chosen in order to protect himself. He enhances all that protect him, giving the +1 Strength and Toughness, and can nullify the Damage of an attack once per turn thanks to the Surgeon Acolyte ability. He’s also difficult to kill by himself, as Chirurgeon lets him get back up on a 2+ the first time he dies. His weapons are not very strong, but the Extra Attacks Chirurgeon is nice, while the Xyclos Needler can mow down infantry thanks to its Anti-Infantry 2+ Keyword.
Helbrutes are the equivalents of Space Marine Dreadnoughts for the Heretic Astartes, and they look very strong in the upcoming Edition of Warhammer 40k. They have access to a multitude of ranged and melee weapons, such as Flamers, Plasma Cannons, Multi-meltas and Lascannon. There’s merit to taking two Helbrute Fists as well though, as they get the Twin-Linked ability if the Helbrute is just throwing hands. Their Dark Ascension Aura gives both of the Dark Pact bonuses to the units 6” around the Helbrute, which means that it’s a great centrepiece for each Heretic Astartes army marching against the Imperium.
There are plenty of more synergies to be discovered in the Warhammer 40k Chaos Space Marines Datasheet Reveal, which you can find here. The release of 10th Edition is still quite some time away – don’t forget to follow ESTNN for the latest news regarding the 41st Millennium!