Unicorn Overlord All Treasure Map 6 Solutions

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Unicorn Overlord All Treasure Map 6 Solutions

Here are the exact locations for each of the Treasure Map 6 in Unicorn Overlord.

Unicorn Overlord is a massive game. Even when you focus solely on the main story, it takes you around 30 to 40 hours before the end credits start rolling. And when you explore all the side activities and finish all the side quests and Sigil Trials, you’re looking at at least 50 to 60 hours of content.

Now, this isn’t really the game for you if you plan on speedrunning right from the get-go. The game rewards players who take their time exploring every nook and cranny. The treasure-hunting quests that you can stumble upon by playing the Quarry mini-games in Unicorn Overlord give you some of the best rewards in the game.

If you’ve played the game for a while, you already know that you can get five treasure maps from each of the five regions in the game. But here’s a thing that you might not know – once you collect all the treasures, you can get a 6th treasure map for each region. 

So, how do you collect the fabled sixth Treasure Map? And where can you find the solutions for them? These are the questions that we’ll answer in this article. Let’s dive in!

How to Get Treasure Map 6 in Unicorn Overlord

To get the 6th Treasure Map, you don’t need to liberate any new region or town. You only need to collect all the previous treasures from the five nations. If you’ve followed along with our treasure-hunting guides, you should already have all five rewards from Cornia, Drakenhold, Elheim, Bastorias, and Albion. 

After collecting all the rewards, you can head to any of the five Quarries in the five regions and start digging once more. The idea is the same as before, and it will take you a while to get all five maps. So be patient and keep digging until you get them all.

Here are the exact locations for the treasures once you get all the maps.

1. Cornia Treasure Map #6 

Unicorn Overlord All Treasure Map 6 Solutions

To get to the sixth Treasure Map location in Cornia, fast travel to the Black Market Dealer in the region. From here, you want to travel south until you reach a waterfall. Head into the trees near the base of the waterfall, and you’ll find the first treasure.


  • 20000G War Funds
  • 2x Dew of Illusion
  • 1x Rosularis Sword

2. Drakenhold Treasure Map #6 

Unicorn Overlord All Treasure Map 6 Solutions


Getting to the Drakenhold Treasure Map 6 location can be somewhat tricky since it’s pretty well hidden. Fast travel to Schwarthruse Town and head north from the Town Center. You’ll see a small pond on your right, and just above it, there’s a hidden path through the mountains that you can cross. 

Follow the path and you’ll arrive at the base of a waterfall with a dragon’s face statue. You’ll find the treasure right under the statue.


  • 20000G War Funds
  • 2x Dew of Illusion
  • 1x Helleborus Axe

3. Elheim Treasure Map #6 

Unicorn Overlord All Treasure Map 6 Solutions

The sixth Treasure Map for Elheim is really easy to get to if you’ve liberated the Lunokeu Harbor. Simply fast travel to the town and head to the south. You’ll get the prompt for the treasure on the beach. 


  • 20000G War Funds
  • 2x Dew of Illusion
  • 1x Orchis Spear

4. Bastorias Treasure Map #6 

Bastorias Treasure Map 6

The sixth Treasure Map’s Solution in Bastorias is located near Gorazmak Town. After traveling to the city, move south, hugging the mountain on your right. You’ll get the reward near the base of the mountain. 


  • 20000G War Funds
  • 2x Dew of Illusion
  • 1x Quince Bow

5. Albion Treasure Map #6 

Unicorn Overlord All Treasure Map 6 Solutions

The final treasure number 6 is located in Albion. Head to Wingsabbey Town and go past the NPCs on your right towards the mountain. You’ll get the prompt for the treasure on the patches of grass by the mountain. 


  • 20000G War Funds
  • 2x Dew of Illusion
  • 1x Lupinus Staff

As you can see, the rewards for each treasure are much greater this time around. Since you need to collect all the previous rewards before you can get to the 6th Treasure Map, you’ll probably be pretty late into the game by now. 

Hopefully, our guide will help you scoop up the remaining five treasure rewards before you tackle the final boss in Unicorn Overlord. Good luck!

Unicorn Overlord All Treasure Map 6 Solutions
The Old One
When he's not sighing at sub-standard teammates in Dota 2 and CS2, The Old One is writing about those two games (among other things). If you see his name around the site too many times for your liking, well, the guy just never stops writing. Yes, we've tried an intervention.